The actions of the programme started in February 2021 with the signing of a three-year Memorandum of Cooperation between the Deputy Minister of Migration and Asylum, Mrs Sofia Voultepsi and Mr. Luciano Calestini on behalf of UNICEF Greece. 

The goal of the programme is to facilitate the smooth assimilation of refugee and immigrant children aged 4–17 into the compulsory educational system. The successful transition to Greek public school is achieved through non-formal education with an emphasis on Greek language. At the same time, the children benefit from actions and activities aimed at familiarizing them with the European way of life while teaching them the principles of respect and protection of human rights.  

As part of the programme, 44 Study and Creative Employment Centres were established. The children of refugee, immigrant and asylum-seeker families participate in non-formal education activities as well as other activities organised by specialised teachers, educators and volunteers from organisations within the UNICEF network.  

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 Viber Community for Issues of Migration and Asylum

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