Administration & Contact
According to the Presidential Decree 106 (Government Gazette A' -255-23/12/2020), the Reception and Identification Service functions at the level of General Secretariat and has as strategic objectives to:
- coordinate the organization and operation of the central and regional Reception and Identification services,
- identify the needs for the establishment and expansion of reception centers and accommodation structures,
- coordinate the activities of the Reception and Identification services with the activities of the other Services of the Ministry, and
- effectively conduct reception, identification, and temporary residence procedures of third-country nationals or stateless persons entering the country without the standard legal processes.
R.I.S consists of the following organic units:
- The Directorate of Reception and Identification Centers (RIC) and the Closed Controlled Access Centers (CCAC).
- The Directorate of Northern Greece Facilities.
- The Directorate of Southern Greece Facilities.
- The Directorate of Administration Support
- Independent Department for Emergency Response which reports directly to the Director of R.I.S.
The Management of R.I.S.
- 196-198 Thivon Avenue, Ag. Ioannis Rentis, 18233, Keranis Building, Athens
- 213-162-9859, 213-162-9914
Deputy Director is Nioutsikou Maria-Dimitra.
Nioutsikou Maria-Dimitra

Η Μαρία-Δήμητρα Νιούτσικου είναι Υποδιοικήτρια της Υ.Π.Υ.Τ. Είναι κάτοχος πτυχίου Διεθνών και Ευρωπαϊκών σπουδών από το Πανεπιστήμιο Πειραιώς και κάτοχος μεταπτυχιακού τίτλου στο Διεθνές, Ευρωπαϊκό και Συγκριτικό Δίκαιο από το Πανεπιστήμιο της Τουλούζης. Εργάστηκε στο Ευρωπαϊκό Κέντρο Δημοσίου Δικαίου, στον τομέα της Διαχείρισης Έργων και σε Διεθνείς Οργανισμούς που δραστηριοποιούνται στον ανθρωπιστικό τομέα. Το 2013 ξεκινά μια μακρά πορεία στη διαχείριση του μεταναστευτικού και προσφυγικού ζητήματος στην Ελλάδα αρχικά ως εργαζόμενη στο Κέντρο Υποδοχής Φυλακίου Έβρου της Υπηρεσίας Πρώτης Υποδοχής. Εν συνεχεία, το 2016, αναλαμβάνει τον ρόλο της Διοικήτριας του ΚΥΤ Σάμου. Τον Μάιο του 2020 αναλαμβάνει τη Διοίκηση της Δομής Σκαραμαγκά και κατόπιν τον Απρίλιο του 2022 ορίζεται Διοικήτρια της Δομής Οινοφύτων. Οργάνωσε και ολοκλήρωσε με επιτυχία την εκκένωση των Δομών Σκαραμαγκά και Ελαιώνα. Τον Απρίλιο του 2023 ανέλαβε τη θέση της Υποδιοικήτριας της Υπηρεσίας Υποδοχής και Ταυτοποίησης της Γενικής Γραμματείας Υποδοχής Αιτούντων Άσυλο του Υπουργείου Μετανάστευσης και Ασύλου.
Η Διεύθυνση Κ.Υ.Τ. & Κ.Ε.Δ.
The Directorate of Reception and Identification Centers (R.I.C.) and Closed Controlled Access Centers of Islands (C.C.A.C.) has the operational objective to plan, direct, monitor and control the activities and to ensure, in collaboration with the Support Directorate and the competent General Directorates of the Ministry, the necessary conditions for the effective implementation of the responsibilities of the R.I.C.., the Accommodation Structures of Asylum Seekers located in the Aegean islands and the C.C.A.C.
- Head of the Directorate of R.I.C. and C.C.A.C.I.: Thomas Lekkakos
- 196-198 Thivon Avenue, Ag. Ioannis Rentis, 18233, Keranis Building, Athens
- 213 162 9816, 213 162 9818
The Directorate of Northern Greece Facilities
The Directorate of Northern Greece Facilities and the Directorate of Southern Greece Facilities are part of the Accommodation Structures of Asylum Seekers of the whole of Greece except the Structures located in the Aegean islands.
The Directorate of Structures of Northern Greece has as operational objectives to plan, direct, monitor and control the activities of the Structures of Northern Greece, and to ensure, in cooperation with the Support Directorate and the competent General Directorates of the Ministry, the necessary conditions for effective function of the Structures.
- Head of the Directorate of Northern Greece Facilities: Vassiliki Dimitriadi
- 196-198 Thivon Avenue, Ag. Ioannis Rentis, 18233, Keranis Building, Athens
- 213 162 9819 – 9821
The Directorate of Southern Greece Facilities
The Directorate of Structures of Southern Greece has as operational objectives to plan, direct, monitor and control the action of the Structures of Southern Greece, and to ensure, in cooperation with the Support Directorate and the competent General Directorates of the Ministry, the necessary conditions for effective operation of the Structures.
- Head of the Directorate of Southern Greece Facilities: Triantafyllia Ipsaralexi
- Thivon 196-198, Ag. Ioannis Rentis, 18233, Keranis Building, Athens
- 213 162 9827 – 9834
The Directorate of Administration Support
The Support Directorate (previous Central Administration), has as operational objectives to: design, implement and supervise programs and actions aimed at fulfilling the country's obligations as defined by national and EU hosting legislation, and b) ensure the necessary conditions for the efficient operation of the whole of R.I.S., in cooperation with the competent General Directorates of the Ministry and other competent services.
- Head of the Directorate of Administration Support: Dimitrios Mermiris
- Thivon 196-198, Ag. Ioannis Rentis, 18233, Keranis Building, Athens
- 213 162 9872
The Department is responsible for:
- the extraction of data from the information system and the creation of all the necessary reports required by the Secretary General of Reception of Asylum Seekers, the Commander of the Reception and Identification Service, the Directorate of R.I.C. and C.C.AC, the Directorate of Northern Greece Structures and the Directorate of Southern Greece,
- the coordination and smooth operation of the information system in collaboration with the Software and Business Applications Department of the General Directorate of Informatics and Communication,
- the recording and identification of the size, the qualitative and quantitative characteristics and the needs of the population of R.I.C., C.C.S.I. and Structures with the aim of the overall configuration of the strategic directions of the Reception and Identification Service.
Supervisor: Antonia Gkeka
Tel: 2131629817
The Department is responsible for:
- the secretarial and administrative support of all the Directorates of R.I.S., the management of correspondence, the keeping of protocol and filing,
- the secretarial support of the Commander, the Deputy Commander and all the Directors of the Ministry of the Interior,
- the preparation and submission to the competent Directorates of the General Directorate of Administrative and Financial Services, requests for expenditure, supplies and other administrative documents concerning the responsibilities of the Reception and Identification Service,
- communication and information services to R.I.S., the general public and other bodies.
Supervisor: Evaggelia Koufopanteli
Tel. 213 162 9857
The Department has the following responsibilities:
- monitor, record and submit proposals for the optimal utilization of the available funding resources in order to cover the needs of R.I.S.
- ensure the complementarity and avoid overlap of funded programs, in cooperation with the Procurement and Operational Care Department of the Ministry and with the aim of the proper functioning of the Reception and Identification Service,
- monitor the physical scope of European programs and funding, identifying any malfunctions and submitting proposals for modifications and improvements,
- cooperate with and provide immediate information to the competent Directorates of the General Directorate of Administrative and Financial Services for each relevant issue, in order to achieve the necessary real-time coordination
- implement programs funded from European or other resources and plan, manage and implement these programs, and
- implement publicity campaigns that aim to promote the work of R.I.S. and communication management of the work of R.I.S in collaboration with the Information and Communication Office of the Ministry.
Supervisor: Demetrios Mermiris
Tel. 213 162 9872
The Department has the following responsibilities:
- the care, in collaboration with the Department of Administrative Organization and the Directorate of Human Resources and Administrative Organization Support, for the organization of specialized training and continuous training of staff,
- the drafting of procedures, specifications and operating regulations, the preparation of regulatory acts regarding the operational issues of the Structures and the Reception and Identification Service in general, and submission of proposals to the Director for approval,
- the evaluation of R.I.S. procedures and submission of proposals to the Director in order to improve and update measures,
- detect problems in the flow and management of information and data and take corrective action,
- the detection of specialized training needs of the staff of R.I.S., in collaboration with the Department of Administrative Organization and the General Directorate of Administrative Support and Financial Services,
- the design, organization and implementation of training programs and staff training activities focusing on the management of mixed migration flows and temporarily accommodated asylum seekers and vulnerable groups,
- the organization of emergency training activities to respond to emergency operational needs,
- the application of appropriate methods and measurement indicators, in order to identify problematic functions-procedures, and
- the maintenance of databases with data for all the functions-procedures of the Reception and Identification Service
Supervisor: Stavroula Marinopoulou
Tel. 213 162 9882
The Department as the following responsibilities:
- the coordination and systematization of the procedures followed during the movement of asylum seekers from or to the Reception and Identification Centers, the Accommodation Structures and the accommodation facilities within the framework of the implemented housing programs,
- the collection of data on the potential number of asylum seekers that can be moved from the local Reception and Identification Centers, as well as on the available accommodation facilities and Structures within the implemented housing programs, in cooperation with the Directorates of Accommodation Structures for Asylum Seekers of Northern Greece, Southern Greece and R.I.C.,
- ensure systematic communication with the bodies through which the work of asylum seekers is carried out, with the aim of ensuring the effective planning and organization of movements,
- the categorization and archiving of all paperwork certifying the departure, arrival and receipt of asylum seekers in collaboration with the Department of Coordination and System Operation,
- the process of movement of asylum seekers after the decision to remove geographical restriction measures and the recording of the characteristics of the Accommodation Structure to which they can be referred, after the completion of the reception and identification procedures within the R.I.C.,
- ensure the completion of the administrative procedures for the transfer of third-country nationals and stateless persons, who enter the country without legal processes, in appropriate structures for their temporary reception or hosting,
- carry out the process of assigning and placing third-country nationals and stateless persons, who enter the country without legal processes, in Temporary Reception and Temporary Accommodation Structures that are under the responsibility or supervision of R.I.S., or other facilities inland, based on the availability of structures, the profile and the special needs of third-country nationals and stateless persons entering the country without legal formalities, respecting family unity, and
- coordinate and systematize decision-making procedures and other procedural documents.
Supervisor: Asimina Papadreou
Tel. 213 162 9897
The Department has the following responsibilities:
- the coordination of the movements of third country nationals and stateless persons entering the country without legal formalities between the Reception and Identification Centers, the Accommodation Structures and the accommodation facilities of the housing programs
- ensure systematic communication with the contractor or contractors who have undertaken the work of relocating third-country nationals and stateless persons, with a view to ensuring the successful outcome of the relocation,
- the collection of forms and paperwork certifying the departure, arrival and receipt of third-country nationals and stateless persons,
- the personal presence during the movement from the initial departure until the final arrival at the destination of third-country and stateless citizens, in order to ensure the successful outcome of the movement and,
- the implementation of reception and identification procedures where emergency service needs are required throughout the country.
Tel. 2131629842 & 2131629843
The Department has the following responsibilities:
- the development and implementation of housing and hospitality programs for asylum seekers from third countries, and
- the preparation and implementation of financial aid program in the context of providing complete and efficient material reception conditions under EU law.
Supervisor: Dimitrios Kitsonis
Tel. 213 162 9927
Independent Department for Emergency Response
The Independent Department for Emergency Responset reports directly to the Director of R.I.S.
The Department has the following responsibilities:
- coordinate and achieve the interoperability of all stakeholders, such as government agencies, international organizations, voluntary civil society organizations, in emergency situations,
- implement operational response plans,
- provide advisory support to the Director of R.I.C. and Facilities for the management of emergencies or crises,
- organize exercises (drills), at least once a year, with the participation of all stakeholders, in order to improve coordination, interoperability and optimization of response mechanisms at the national, regional and local level,
- monitor on a twenty-four-hour basis the operation of the R.I.C. and the Facilities via electronic systems and communicate using any suitable means with the staff of the Reception and Identification Service, the R.I.C., the Hosting Structures and the future C.C.A.C., throughout Greece,
- inform and mobilize relevant services and other bodies, such as the Hellenic Police, the Ministry of National Defense, the National Organization of Public Health (EODY), etc., by any appropriate means to deal with critical situations or/and emergencies,
- record daily in a special bulletin all incidents within the R.I.C., the Facilities and the future C.C.A.C., of the whole of the country, in which either the Reception and Identification Service or other services were involved, such as the Hellenic Police, the Ministry of National Defense, the E.O.D.Y. etc.,
- cooperate with all the involved bodies and competent authorities to deal with serious events, such as earthquakes, floods, serious car or railway accidents, fires and other events of similar scope, within R.I.C., Facilities, and the future C.C.A.C.
- Head of the Independent Emergency Response Department: Efstathia Hiliarhaki
- 196-198 Thivon Avenue, Ag. Ioannis Rentis, 18233, Keranis Building, Athens
- 213 162 9166
The Reception and Identification Service has had the following past Directors in ascending chronological order
- 26/01/2024-05/12/2024: Konstantinou Evaggelos Apostolos
- 23/03/2020-25/01/2024: Mantagaris Anastasios
- 13/09/2019-20/03/2020: Dimitrios Geogiadis (Acting Director)
- 25/01/2019-22/08/2019: Googoolis Andreas
- 17/10/2018-24/01/2019: Mermiris Dimitrios (Acting Director)
- 23/10/2017-15/10/2018: Iliopoulos Andras
- 14/08/2017-22/10/2017: Lekakos Thomas (Αcting Director)
- 10/10/2016-15/09/2017: Karagelli Anthoula
- 20/02/2012-10/10/2016: Nikas Panagiotis
Organizational chart RIS