The priorities of the ACE program are: 

  •  Knowledge of the Greek language, as well as learning English.Children are being prepared in language proficiency certifications, which is an important resource for their social integration into the host country. 
  • Teaching STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math) courses to develop mathematical and scientific digital specialties 
  • Creative work that includes, among other things, painting lessons. 
  • Remedial instruction and tutoring for students' school assignments. 
  • Carrying out educational activities related to the European way of life and European citizenship. 
  • School readiness of toddlers (4–5 years old) in order to lay the foundations for their future educational inclusion. 
  • Psychosocial support and recognition of high-risk incidents, aimed at an early intervention. 
  • Formation of parental groups to support their children through the strengthening of the parental role. 
  • Organization of employability workshops to strengthen access to higher education (such as the Employability Service of the Athens Solidarity Center). 


The aim of the Greek state is to continue providing for the children of refugee and immigrant families living in the country to facilitate their smooth integration into compulsory public education, remedial teaching in learning the Greek language and actions to strengthen their skills while providing access to access to facilities conducive to their creative work. 

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 Viber Community for Issues of Migration and Asylum

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