AMIF 2021-2027

Provision of transfer services of beneficiaries based on EE Regulation 604/2013

Time Period: Time period: February 2023 until December 2029

Budget: 1.800.000,00 €

Description: The purpose of the program is to provide air transport services for applicants for international protection to the responsible Member States under Regulation (EU) No. 604/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 June 2013 (Dublin III).


Provision of interpretation and translation services of the Asylum Service for applicants for international protection

Time Period: March 2023 until December 2025

Budget: 8.500.000,00 €

Description: Provision of interpretation and translation services of the Asylum Service for applicants for international protection.


Improving the operational readiness of the Asylum Service under the Asylum Migration and Integration Fund

Time Period: January 2024 until January 2027

Budget: 16.915.600,00  €

Description: The main objective of the Action, through the recruitment of 405 employees under fixed-term employment contracts, is to strengthen the human resources of the Asylum Service and enhance its operational capacity to ensure its continuous and smooth functioning and to guarantee the quality of the submission and examination process for international protection applications, in accordance with the provisions of Greek, European, and refugee law. Strengthening access is deemed particularly important at all stages of the asylum process for applicants for international protection, in line with the requirements of Greek, European, and refugee law.


Provision of 2nd degree legal aid and assistance

Time Period: November 2023 until December 2027

Budget: 2.997.964,80  €

Description: The primary objective of the Action is to strengthen the asylum process by providing legal assistance and support to asylum seekers and applicants for international protection in the secondary examination of their application before the Appeals Authority. This aims to ensure the provision of legal assistance and support to asylum seekers and applicants for international protection, as stipulated in Law 4939/2022 (Α’ 111).

Strengthening access is deemed particularly important at all stages of the asylum process for applicants for international protection, in line with the requirements of Greek, European, and refugee law.


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Viber Community

 Viber Community for Issues of Migration and Asylum

The Ministry of Migration and asylum has created a Viber Community in order to provide accurate and timely information regarding issues of migration and asylum. Please click on the following link, or scan the QR code in order to connect: