Appeals Authority

The Appeals Authority was established by art. 3 of  Law 3907/2011 and operates in accordance with the art. 5 of law 4375/2016, as in force. The AA examines, at second instance, (quasi-judicial) appeals against 1st degree decisions issued by the Asylum Service.

The Appeals Authority reports to the Secretary General of Migration Policy (presidential decree 106/2020).

The Central Administration Service consists of the following departments:

Twenty (20) Independent Appeals Committees operate under the Appeals Authority. The three-member Appeals Committees are composed by three active Administrative Judges (appointed by the General Commissioner of the Administrative Courts upon their request). The members of the Appeals Committees meet in a three-member and single-member bodies and enjoy personal and operational independence. The Appeals Committees’ term of office shall be three years and may be renewed once.

The Appeals Committees are assisted by “rapporteurs / research officers,” who have access to the file and are entrusted with the drafting of a detailed and in-depth report, that will contain a record and edit of the facts of the case along with the main claims of the appellant, as well as a matching of said claims with the country of origin information that will be presented before the competent Committee in order to decide.

The operation of the Appeals Authority and specifically the Independent Appeals Committees are regulated by the Regulation of Operation of the Appeals Authority

The Appeals Authority is managed by the Administrative Director of the Central Administration Service according to articles 27 and 36 of Law 4825/2021.

Since September 16, 2018 until today, Maria Fokianou is Administrative Director of the Appeals Authority.

Appeals Authority

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