Funding Programs

The Appeals Authority is funded by European and other funds via the following programs:
The Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund 2014-2020
The Appeals Authority is funded by the National Program “Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund 2014-2020” (Specific Objective 1 - “Asylum” and National Objective 2- “Reception/Asylum”), as well as the Public Investment Program in the context of the project: “Enhancement of the Appeals Authority via development of its human resources.”
The responsible administrative authority for the above program is the Special Service for the Coordination and Management of the Asylum Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) and the Internal Security Fund (ISF) and other funds, in the Ministry of Migration & Asylum
Προϋπολογισμός : 1.735,000€
Description of Act: In order to strengthen its asylum system, the Appeals Authority implements the sub-project: “Enhancement of the Appeals Authority via development of its human resources,” which involves the hiring of thirty (30) employees with time-limited contracts in order to address unpredictable and urgent issues in relation to asylum procedures that emerge from the overflow of migrants arriving and staying in Greece. The new hires will specifically contribute to the effective and timely management of second instance asylum applications.

the EEA Grants 2014-2021 (Program GR-G)
The Appeals Authority is funded by the Pre-defined Project 1 entitled: “Assistance to Appeals Authority” in the context of the implementation of the GR-G Program entitled: “Development of the management capacities of the National Asylum and Migration Systems” of the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area 2014-2021 (EEA GRANTS) and the Public Investment Program.
The responsible national authority for the above program is the European and Development Programs Division (EDPD) of the Ministry of Citizen Protection.
Budget: 1,700,000.00€
Description of PDP1: In the context of strengthening the asylum system, the Appeals Authority will implement the following sub-projects in order to improve the procedures under its jurisdiction and reduce the time required to examine appeals.
- Establishment of ten (10) three-member Appeal Committees for the examination of pending cases.
- Establishment of an Information Unit for Countries of Origin – C.O.I. Unit.
- Training of the staff of the Appeals Authority.
- Website creation for the Appeals Authority.
- Procurement of equipment supply.
- Partnership agreement between the Appeals Authority and the Norwegian Appeals Authority (UNE):
a) Organization of four (4) visits by Norwegian Partners to Greece while organizing four (4) trainings for the staff of the Appeals Authority.
b) Organization of three (3) visits for the staff of the Appeals Authority to Norway.
c) Supply of equipment and creation of an internal database for the collection, processing and valid publication of statistical data while organizing trainings for the representatives of the Appeals Authority.

Appeals Authority
- 196-198, Thivon Avenue, 1st Floor, Ag. Ioannis Rentis, 18233, Keranis Building
- 213 1629721-23