Bilateral Actions

Bilateral Action GD Kingdom of Norway, Oslo 26 - 30 March 2017 in the framework of the implementation of the GR06 Program of the XM EEA 2009-2014.


Participation of Implementing Agency executives in the bilateral relations action organized by the Directorate-General for Immigration of the Kingdom of Norway in Oslo from 26 to 30 March 2017 in the framework of the implementation of the GR06 Program of the XM EEA 2009-2014.

In the context of the participation of executives of the Implementing Agency, a study visit of seven (7) executives of the Asylum Service in Oslo took place during the period from 26-30 / 03/2017. The program followed was as follows:

  • Day 1: Conference on the reception of asylum seekers in Europe..
  • Day 2: Visit to the special immigration department of the Police..
  • Day 3: Presentation of an asylum procedure for unaccompanied minors by UDI staff.

The meeting provided the Dublin Department of the Asylum Service with in-depth information on the structure and organization of the respective Norwegian Dublin Unit (UDI) as well as the registration process and the relevant Appeals Authority. Through this process, the Dublin Department came in contact with good practices, the adoption of which will directly help the better structure of the respective Asylum Service unit.

Cooperation between the Asylum Service and the Norwegian Asylum Service (UDI) for the training and configuration of QlickSense software - a pilot application for the needs of the Dublin National Unit.

The aforementioned action included the supply of 5 licenses of the QlickSense program and the organization of two missions from Norway to Greece and vice versa. The purpose of these missions is to train Asylum Service representatives in model design and programming and configuration of the tool in order for the Office to be able to meet the needs of providing reliable data on the Dublin Regulation procedures.

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