Multaka - Intercultural Tours

Multaka: Intercultural Tours in Athens is a joint project which aims at the promotion of social integration through intercultural dialogue. It has been designed by the Ministry of Migration and Asylum and the Ministry of Culture and Sports and it is implemented by the Development and Destination Management Agency of the Municipality of Athens. The project is funded by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund 2014-2020 (75% EU funds, 25% national funds).

Multaka: Intercultural Tours in Athens is a joint project which aims at the promotion of social integration through intercultural dialogue. It has been designed by the Ministry of Migration and Asylum and the Ministry of Culture and Sports and it is implemented by the Development and Destination Management Agency of the Municipality of Athens.

The word “Multaka” in Arabic means “meeting point.” In the context of the project, the meeting points are the following museums/sites of the Ministry of Culture and Sports:

a. Museum of Modern Greek Culture

b. Epigraphic Museum

c. Ancient Agora of Athens

d. Archaeological site of Keramikos

Through “Multaka: Intercultural Tours in Athens”, migrants, refugees and persons with a migrant background have the chance to get to know aspects of the Greek civilization and history. Trained “intercultural guides” perform intercultural tours in the above four museums and archaeological places in Athens. The intercultural tours are available in one of the following languages: Greek, Arabic, Farsi, English, and French. The intercultural guides present and discuss objects of the museums/sites from their point of view. The guides bring their own experiences to the tours. The tours are interactive and engage the visitors in intercultural dialogue. The museums/archaeological sites thus become the “meeting points” of people with different cultural backgrounds, discussing common experiences and values.

The intercultural Tours started at the end of August 2022 and will last utill the end of June 2023.

Similar projects take place in various European cities, inspired by Multaka-Berlin, which started in 2015 and is still an ongoing very successful project.

The “intercultural guides” will also be part of a participatory video workshop. Short video/s will be created based on participants' experiences in the project as well as their intercultural experiences as residents of Athens. The outcomes of the Multaka Athens project and the prospect of its expansion will be discussed at a symposium, in which participants and managers of other European Multaka projects will also take part.

The Intercultural Tours take place every Saturday and Sunday at 10 a.m. and are free to the public. Pre-registration is required.

More info: Multaka – Διαπολιτισμικές Περιηγήσεις στην Αθήνα – ACCMR | ACCMR

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