As of today, the electronic platform for pre-registration of displaced Ukrainians is available on the website of the Ministry of Migration and Asylum - The process of providing temporary protection will begin on 4/4/2022

Today, the electronic platform for the pre-registration of displaced Ukrainians launched. The platform is available on the website of the Ministry of Migration and Asylum on the following link (link).

The platform provides Ukrainian citizens residing in Ukraine, before the start of the Russian invasion on 24/2, the opportunity to declare their basic personal data and receive a special attendance appointment in person at the Regional Offices of the Asylum Service, in order to receive temporary status protection.

It is pointed out that the first 1,000 appointments have already been scheduled -through the platform.

The process of providing temporary protection will begin on 4/4/2022 and will take place at the Regional Asylum Offices of Crete, Patras, Athens and Thessaloniki. These offices will act as one-stop points, as the beneficiaries of temporary protection, upon completion of the registration, will receive the card, which will include:

i) Temporary residence permit (expiring on 4th March 2023)

ii) Social Security Registration Number (AMKA)

iii) Tax Registration Number (ΑΦΜ)

Automatically, the beneficiaries gain access to the benefits of the National Health System and consequently full medical care, as well as will henceforth have the right to work in the Greek Territory.

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Viber Community

 Viber Community for Issues of Migration and Asylum

The Ministry of Migration and asylum has created a Viber Community in order to provide accurate and timely information regarding issues of migration and asylum. Please click on the following link, or scan the QR code in order to connect: