Statement by the Minister of Immigration & Asylum Mr. Notis Mitarakis on the death of 12 immigrants at the Turkish border near Ypsala

The Minister of Migration and Asylum, Mr. Notis Mitarachiissued the following statement:

"“The death of 12 migrants on the Turkish border near Ipsala is a tragedy. But the truth behind this incident bears no resemblance to the false propaganda pushed out by my counterpart Minister, Mr. Soylu. Soylu

OThese migrants never made it to the border. Any suggestion they did, or indeed were pushed back into Turkey is utter nonsense. Rather than pushing out unfounded claims Turkey needs to live up to its obligations and work to prevent these dangerous journeys at source.  Rather than blaming others Turkey must take responsibility, if we are to prevent such tragedies from happening again.”"

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