Greece-Switzerland Bilateral Agreement for the country’s support in dealing with the Migration Crisis

The Minister of Migration and Asylum, Mr. Notis Mitarachi, met in Luxembourg, the Federal Councillor of Justice and Police of the Swiss Confederation , Karin Keller-Sutter, with whom they jointly signed a bilateral Framework Agreement for the support of Greece on migration sector

In the context of the implementation of the Swiss Confederation's contribution to selected member states of the European Union, the Hellenic Republic will receive a financial contribution of 40 million euros in order to support and implement actions related to dealing with the migration crisis.

Based on the agreement, a series of actions related to the upgrading of Accommodation Facilities and asylum services will be promoted, as well as the strengthening of voluntary returns to the countries of origin on the one hand, and integration actions of recognized refugees on the other.

What does the Framework Agreement include

Asylum procedures and asylum facilities

  • Facilities of the Regional Asylum Offices improvement:The aim is to increase the capacity to examine asylum applications and to further reduce the backlog of the Asylum Office.
  • Establishment of a central unit for the processing of Country of Origin Information (COI): The aim is to establish a unit for the verification and cross-checking of information for the authenticity of documents (passports, identity cards, etc.) as well as for facing challenges related to the spoken language of applicants for international protection and the verification of nationality.
  • Training of personnel working in the asylum process: The aim is to increase the overall knowledge and ability of workers in Migration cases in Greece in order to make the procedures more effective and safe.

Reception facilities for vulnerable migrants

  • Improvement of Reception Facilities: The aim is to improve reception conditions for asylum seekers in Greece.
  • Training of workers in cases of voluntary return and reintegration:The aim is to increase the number of voluntary returns from Greece. In addition, the project will finance the creation of information material on voluntary returns.

Support in response to a migration crisis through special actions

  • The aim is to increase refugee integration in Greece. Participation in the events organized as part of the project can lead to a sense of participation in the local community. It concerns about 5,000 beneficiaries per year (2,000 unaccompanied minors and 3,000 asylum seekers), focusing on the values and general philosophy of Olympism, as a means to promote the principles of cultural diversity, peaceful coexistence and solidarity.
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