European Migration Network
Our Team
EMN National Contact Point of Greece – Mission
The National Contact Points carry out the tasks of the EMN at national level and in particular:
- submit national reports, including the repoArts provided for in Article 9 of Decision 2008/381/EC,
- contribute by providing national information to the information exchange system provided for in Article 8 of the above-mentioned decision,
- develop the ability to submit specific requests and to respond quickly to similar requests from other NCPs,
- create a national migration network, which consists of a wide range of organizations and individuals active in the field of migration and asylum and representing stakeholders who can be called upon to contribute to the activities of the EMN.
In Greece, the European Affairs Unit of the Directorate for European and International Cooperation of the Greek Ministry of Migration and Asylum has been serving as the National Contact Point (NCP) of the EMN since January 2021. (dir.euintco@migration.gov.gr , emn@migration.gov.gr)
The main mission of the EL National Contact Point of the EMN is to promote the exchange of information and in-depth study of issues related to migration and asylum, through the collection of up-to-date knowledge and information on current trends and legislative and policy developments, with the ultimate goal of contributing to the creation of a “pool of information” at EU level. This mission is undertaken in close cooperation with the other National Contact Points of the Network and under the guidance and support of the European Commission and the relevant Directorate-General.
What We Do
EL EMN NCP contributes effectively and consistently to the fulfillment of the goals of the Network, both in terms of producing up-to-date and reliable informational material in the field of migration and asylum, and in terms of disseminating information on the EMN itself and its work at the national level. In particular, EL EMN NCP:
- Contributes to the EMN Synthesis Studies through the production of National Studies on topics related to migration and asylum.
- Contributes to EMN Annual Report on Migration and Asylum (ARM) by producing EMN National Annual Reports which outline the most important policy and legislative developments and debates in EU Member States related to migration and asylum.
- Responds to EMN Ad-Hoc Queries and produces Informs, which are submitted by the MS of the Network and the European Commission on a wide range of issues related to migration and asylum.
- Contributes to the preparation of the quarterly EMNews, which provides updates on national and European developments on migration and asylum.
- Contributes to the preparation and continuous updating of the EMN Glossary, which includes terms in the field of migration and asylum in the Greek language.
- Represents Greece at the EMN NCP meetings, EMN Steering Board meetings, EMN Working Groups meetings, EMN Expert Group meetings, as well as at the National Conferences organized by the EMN NCPs.
- Contributes to the establishment of a national migration network, promoting cooperation both at national and European level through continuous and regular cooperation with competent bodies in Greece active in the field of migration through participation in initiatives of other Member States and the European Commission.
- Organizes an annual EMN National Conference, in order to promote constructive dialogue among groups of experts in the field of migration and asylum, representatives from European and international organizations, the academia and civil society, by highlighting the most significant developments and trends in the field of migration and asylum.
- Organizes Capacity Building Workshops aimed at the constructive exchange of opinions and good practices between the EMN member states.
- Provides national information on the Information Exchange System (IES) as stated in Article 8 of Decision 2008/381/EC.