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Location change for the Department of Residence Permits of Investors of Third Country Citizens

We inform you that from Monday, March 1st, 2021 on, attorneys, and non-EU Citizens with their families, who wish to apply for a residence permit for:

A) investment activity (based on the provisions of article 16 of law 4251/2014, as in force)

B) real estate owners (based on the provisions of article 20B of law 4251/2014, as in force)

will need to visit the “Department of Residence Permits for non-EU Citizen Investors” that is located in the main building of the Ministry of Migration & Asylum at: Thivon Avenue 196-198, Agios Ioannis Rentis, Nikaia, 18233.

You can schedule an appointment by calling at: (+30) 213-162-9039

For information, please call: (+30) 213-162-9031

For questions and clarifications, you can reach us at the following emails :

  1. For applications that have been submitted to the Department of Residence Permits for non–EU citizens Investors, e-mail:  invest.dep@migration.gov.gr
  2. For general information, e-mail: dmsecretariat@migration.gov.gr

Please note that attorneys who have set appointments for submitting applications for residence permits other than the above-mentioned categories (investment activity article 16 and permanent investor article 20B, of law 4251/2014) are requested to call 210-4141664 in order to modify them.

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 Viber Community for Issues of Migration and Asylum

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