Action description

Action description

The Program, entitled “Assistance to the Asylum Service”, with a total budget 4 million euros, aims at supporting the operation of a fair and efficient asylum system. The goal of this system is to allow asylum seekers to lodge their request for international protection, with their request being processed fairly and efficiently.

Until the end of the programme, on 30/04/2017, the Asylum Service has contracted Sub-Actions 1, 2, 3 4 and 5 (79% of the total budget). From the total amount of the contracted budget of the programme, approxim. 4.344.436,71 € have been absorbed.

The respective analysis per sub-action of the programme is as follows:


Sub-action 1: "Support of the Asylum Procedures", Budget 4.006.272,32 €. Sub-Action 1 includes the recruitment of staff with limited duration contracts, with the contracting periods being: 10.10.2014-09.04.2015 (16 persons), 10.07.2015-30.04.2017 (33 persons) and 01.05.2016-30.04.2017 (10 persons). The staff includes mainly Caseworkers and Registration Officers, seconded to the Asylum Offices around Greece. A provision is also made for administration, IT and project management personnel in support of the Caseworkers and the Registration Officers.

Sub-action 2: “Provision of interpretation and translation services for the Asylum Service & the Appeals Authority” Budget: 2.615.826,93€, Duration: 18.09.2014- 30.04.2016 The main activity, under Sub-Action 2, includes the provision οf interpretation services in common and rare languages and dialects, to about 23,400 applicants for international protection, whose cases are examined by the Regional Asylum Offices of the Asylum Service and the Appeals Authority (first and second degree examination). Other activities include the translation of documents as requested by the Asylum Service, and the purchase of the necessary equipment for provision of interpretation through tele-conference (IP phones).

Sub-action 3: “Information Materials Development and Production Services” Budget: 70.000,00€, Duration: 01.10.2015- 31.12.2015

The Sub-Action foresees the development, printing and reproduction of 80.000 copies of information material, 30 metallic plates with the Asylum Service’s logo and name, and 12 metallic plates with the EEA logo. The metallic plates will be distributed and posted to both the Central Asylum Service HQ and the Regional Asylum Offices and Units.

Sub-action 4: “Provision of Psychological services” Budget: 129.005,63€, Duration: 10.07.2015- 30.04.2017 The Sub-Action includes the recruitment of one (1) Psychologist and three (3) Social Workers, intended to provide consultancy services to Asylum Service staff (16 individual sessions/ month) and welfare services to asylum seekers, respectively. Their contract duration will until 30/04/2016, with a renewal option until 30/04/2017.

Sub-action - 5"Development of the potential and improvement of the technical infrastructures of the interpretation procedures", Budget: 193,600.00 €, Period: 2nd 2017-3rd 2017.nd 2017-3nd 2017.

Sub-Action 5 includes:

a. Supply and installation of a timer system for the presence of interpreters.

b. The improvement of networks and upgrading of ICT systems in the facilities of the Asylum Service (Central Service and / or Regional Office).

c. The supply of access cards (smart card) in the 3rd country citizens' registration system (police on line).

d. The supply of special interview scheduling and recording software

Of the aforementioned, only the supply of access cards (smart card) to the 3rd Country Citizens' registration system (police on line) was implemented.

Sub-project 6: "Setup of an electronic library and enrichment of a physical library", Budget: 74,400.00 €, Period: 2nd 2017-2nd 2017.

Sub-Action 6 includes the supply of books and the Subscription to e-libraries, mainly legal.

The Action was not implemented.

Sub-project 7: "Recording of interviews", Budget: 74,400.00 €, Period: 2nd 2017-2nd 2017.

Sub-Action 7 includes the provision of recording software for the interview process.

The Action was not implemented.


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