Funding Illustration

Actions' table as part of the National Programme of the Asylum, Migration and Integration 2014-2020 Fund for which the Asylum Service is the Designated National Authority


Specific Objective: SO1 (Asylum), National Objective: NO1 (Reception/Asylum):


Urgent Funding of article 7 of Reg. 514/2014

National Programme

1 Asylum Sector of Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund GAS 9.333.972,40 €
2 Mobile Application for international protection applicants GAS & Charokopio & University 35.000,00 €
3 Legal support and representation GAS 2.581.177,60 €
4 Supporting asylum applicants in the asylum procedures GAS 8.627.140,00 €
5 Asylum process support GAS 35.924.160,50 €
6 Support for asylum cases' backlog clearance in Greece Hellenic Police 1.891.846,00 €
  Special Objective Total (SO1 Άσυλο)   58.367.756,51 €

Special Cases:

7 Relocation Programme for International Protection Applicants according to Decisions 2015/1523 και 2015/1601 for temporary measures within the International Protection frame supporting Italy and Greece GAS & IOM 31.765.500,00 €

Technical Help

8 Technical Help GAS 1.000.000,00 €

Total amount of National Programme Actions 91.133.256, 51 €

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