Ministry of Migration and Asylum: Exclusive electronic renewal of all categories of residence permits for third country nationals

All residence permits, residence cards and permanent residence cards, which have been issued to citizens of third countries, will be renewed exclusively in an electronic way, as of the 16th of November 2021, according to the number 374365/2021 Decision of the Minister of Migration and Asylum, Mr. Notis Mitarachi.

The new service of the Ministry of Migration and Asylum concerns approximately 700,000 beneficiaries, of which 250,000 are holders of residence permits with an expiration date of 31/12/2021.

The application will be available from November 16, 2021, through the electronic services of the Ministry at the electronic address:

The aim of the electronic submission of applications is to avoid overcrowding and long wait in the one-stop services of the Ministry of Migration and Asylum and the competent Directorates of Foreigners and Migration in the Decentralized Administrations of the country, as well as to accelerate the application processes for issuing residence permits.

The process is simple and safe. It requires the identification of the user via mobile phone and email. The communication with the applicant will be done only electronically. The submission of the application by an attorney-at-law will take place through the electronic platform of the Plenary Session of the Greek Lawyers’ Associations (, which operates with the OPS "Migration".

Upon completion of the application processing, the one-stop services of the Ministry and the Decentralized Administrations will send an electronic invitation to the applicant, so as to receive the biometric data on a predetermined date.

For more information, you can read this Ministerial Decision (FEK B’ 5242 / 12-11-2021).

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