Conference “Multaka Athens: Intercultural Tours in Athens”

The project “Multaka: Intercultural Tours in Athens” aims to promote refugee and migrant social integration in the host country through interculturality. Α Conference that presented the Project and reviewed its results was held on June 16th, in the Technopolis Center of the Municipality of Athens (Amphitheater 1- “Miltiades Evert”). The General Secretary of Migration Policy, Mr Patroklos Georgiadis, attended the sessions.

The Project Multaka Athens and the Conference were implemented with the collaboration of the Ministry of Migration & Asylum, the Ministry of Culture & Sports and the Athens Development and Destination Management Agency of the Municipality of Athens.

The Conference was organized in four sessions where representatives of the coordinating bodies discussed the planning and progress of Multaka Athens, while a special session was dedicated to European “Multakas,” in which the representatives from Multaka-Berlin, Multaka-Oxford, Multaka-Berne and the corresponding Amir-Florence, presented their projects.

The sessions concluded with narrations from the intercultural tour guides who shared their experiences from the intercultural tours in the museums and the archaeological sites of the programme (the Ancient Agora of Athens, the Archaeological site of Kerameikos, the Epigraphic Museum, and the Museum of Modern Greek Culture), as well as with the stories and experiences of people who participated in the intercultural tours as an audience. 

The Project Multaka Athens aimed to empower refugees and migrants by enabling their participation in the public sphere and their integration, and by promoting the mutual understanding between the reception society and the societies of origin. In the context of the Multaka Athens, intercultural tour guides who were trained through an especially designed seminar, conducted intercultural tours that were offered in Greek, English, French, Arabic and Farsi and were available to everyone free of charge. The Project will be completed on June 30th 2023, and there are plans for its continuation.

The Project “Multaka Athens: Intercultural Tours in Athens” is part of the Action entitled “Enhancement of Social Integration of Third Country Nationals”, which is funded by the National Programme 2014-2020 of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund.


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