Initiative of the Ministry for Migration and Asylum for an international campaign to prevent illegal migration flows

The Ministry for Migration and Asylum is launching an international campaign so as to prevent illegal migration flows.

The core message of the campaign is to make it clear that Greece guards its borders in an organized way and does not allow illegal migration flows, thus, implementing a strict but fair migration policy, always respecting European and international law.

This campaign includes the promotion and dissemination of the message in both international mass media and social media, which are mainly used by the main recipients.

The main pillar, is to give special gravity, due to the latest geopolitical developments, in Afghanistan, where the majority of migrants who come to Greece, in recent years come from.

At the same time, it aims to fully inform and raise awareness of future illegal migrants, so that they do not become victims to traffickers and do not endanger their lives.

The action is co-financed by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund of the European Union, by 75%.

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 Viber Community for Issues of Migration and Asylum

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