Summer Workshop on Democracy 2022

In the context of its actions for integration, the Ministry of Migration and Asylum, in cooperation with the Hellenic Parliament Foundation for Parliamentarism and Democracy, has planned the participation of adolescent migrants and beneficiaries of international protection in the educational programme “Summer Workshop on Democracy”. This programme, designed in 2014 by the Educational Programmes Department of the Hellenic Parliament Foundation and reformulated this year, will be implemented from the 20th to the 29th of June 2022. Selection of participants was carried out through a cooperation between the General Secretariat for Migration Policy and the Special Secretariat for the Protection of Unaccompanied Minors, collective representative bodies of migrants and refugees, and other stakeholders.

Approximately forty (40) adolescents with a migrant and refugee background, 15 to 17 years old, attending secondary school, will take part in both three-day action cycles.

The participants will visit the Temple of Hephaestus (“Theseion”), the Ancient Agora, the Pnyx, Plaka, the Old Parliament and the Greek Parliament. Through experiential educational activities they will follow a path spanning almost 2,500 years, discovering and learning the history of Greek parliamentarianism in a pleasant and creative way.

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