Operation of Regional Asylum Offices until 08.08.2021

The Asylum Service informs that in accordance with the measures for protecting the public health and preventing the spread of Covid-19, the public can visit Regional Asylum Services only after scheduling an appointment. This includes interviews and registrations.

According to the relevant Joint Ministerial Decision of 30-7-2021, Regional Asylum Offices are going to serve only urgent registrations, as well as notification of decisions, lodging of appeals, delivery of travel documents and deposition of Dublin documents until August 8th 2021. A specific number of interviews will take place only for applicants whose appointments have been already scheduled through official interview invitations.

The number of employees working remotely is determined based on the nature of their duties and the needs of the Service.

Finally, according to the aforementioned, all employees belonging to population groups of high risk (see the relevant Common Ministerial Decision of Interior and Health Ministers' of 17.09.2020) return to their duties in person.

Οι υπάλληλοι που ανήκουν στις ομάδες αυξημένου κινδύνου (υποπερ. 1.1-1.9 της περ. 1 της υπό στοιχεία ΔΙΔΑΔ/Φ.64/420/16446/17.9.2020 της κοινής απόφασης των Υπουργών Υγείας και Εσωτερικών) επανέρχονται στην εργασία τους με αυτοπρόσωπη παρουσία, σε θέσεις που δεν έχουν επαφή με το κοινό. Υπενθυμίζουμε την υποχρέωση χρήσης μάσκας από το κοινό και το προσωπικό εντός των κτιρίων της Υπηρεσίας (και εκτός αυτών, π.χ. προαύλιος χώρος, χώροι αναμονής κοινού κτλ, εφόσον παρατηρείται συνωστισμός).

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 Viber Community for Issues of Migration and Asylum

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