Official visit of the Minister of Migration and Asylum Mr. Notis Mitarachi to the Republic of San Marino.
The Minister of Migration and Asylum, Mr. Notis Mitarachi is visiting the Republic of San Marino. During his visit he met with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Luca Beccari and was then accepted by the two Heads of State (Captain Regents) Mrs. Maria Luisa Berti and Mr. Manuel Ciavatta.

During the visit, Mr. Mitarachi was honored with the Grand Cross of the Order of Saint Agatha.
Meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Luca Beccari

“Our bilateral relations are excellent”, Mr. Notis Mitarachi, Minister of Migration and Asylum, pointed out after meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of San Marino, Luca Beccari.
At the same time, he noted that " irregular migration needs to be addressed in a coordinated way. To combat smuggling networks and to ensure first reception countries are provided with solidarity."

Mr. Notis Mitarachi press statement in detail:
It is a great pleasure visiting the Republic of San Marino, I am grateful for the honour bestowed to me, the Order of St. Agatha. San Marino is characterized by its long history, its tradition of peace and solidarity, respect for international law and fundamental rights.
Our bilateral relations are excellent and we productively cooperate in international fora to address the common challenges of the migration crisis but also, to provide shelter to people in need.
During my meeting with Minister Beccari, we explored ways to further our cooperation. San Marino has joined the EU countries in providing temporary protection to displaced people from Ukraine and we are grateful for your support.
At the same time, as I also discussed yesterday with the Minister of Interior of Italy, irregular Migration needs to be addressed in a coordinated way, to combat smuggling networks and to ensure first reception countries are provided with solidarity.
Europe needs to reduce the overall level of irregular arrivals and complement the responsibility shown with tangible solidarity.
Public hearing by the Heads of State
Following the meeting, Mr.Mitarachi addressed with the two Heads of State (Captain Regents), Mrs. Maria Luisa Berti and Mr. Manuel Ciavatta.
Mr. Mitarachi spoke about the excellent level of bilateral relations, noting that the two countries cooperate constructively in the international fora to meet the challenges of immigration and to provide refuge for those in need.
At the same time, the Minister of Immigration and Asylum made reference to his meeting with the Italian Minister of the Interior, Matteo Piantedosi, noting that illegal immigration must be dealt with in an orderly manner, that smuggling networks must be combated and that solidarity must be ensured in the first reception countries.
Mr. Mitarachi pointed out that Europe must do more to provide legal opportunities for immigration, but this should be done with rules noting that "the Geneva Convention was not created as an inclusive tool for solving all global injustices".
During the visit, Mr. Mitarachi was awarded with the Grand Cross of the Order of Saint Agatha.
Mr. Mitarachi’s speech in detail::
Most Excellent Captains Regents of the Most Serene Republic of San Marino, Your Excellency Minister Luca Beccari, Excellencies, Ladies & Gentlemen, It is my distinct pleasure to visit the Republic of San Marino, our “most noble Ionian Sister” if I may use the phrase with which Greece was defined in a 1931 deed of San Marino.
Our countries enjoy official relations 1979 and diplomatic relations since 1999. The famous Greek composer, Mikis Theodorakis said in 2008 as he was being recognized by San Marino that:
“You represent a country which, due to its geographical location and its centuries-old history,
coexisted with one of the brightest moments of human civilization: the genesis and radiance of the Italian Renaissance.” A period that unfortunately my country did not enjoy.I am grateful, for the honor bestowed to me, the Order of St. Agatha. Α generous gesture, testament to the excellent bilateral relations between our two countries. Relations that are based on our common European values, democracy and respect for human rights.
These values, that we cherish on this continent and to a large extent consider as a given are absent in large parts of our world. Inequality is on the rise and conflict zones are causing immense human suffering. These negative developments are provoking a renewed wave of migration, towards Europe.
People near and far see Europe as a safe haven where they can live with dignity. Indeed, Europe can do more to relocate people in need, and Greece will participate in such efforts.
We have demonstrated our active support both in the case of Ukraine and the case of Afghanistan, immediately after the change of regime, offering humanitarian visas to female dignitaries and their families.
We need to do more; to provide opportunities for people to prosper through legal migration and humanitarian visas to people in need. In an organized way, with rules.Our continent is witnessing with horror the pain and destruction caused by the Russian invasion in Ukraine.
We productively cooperate in international fora, to address these common challenges, the migration crisis, but also, to provide asylum to people in need.
San Marino has joined the EU countries in providing temporary protection to displaced people from Ukraine
and we are grateful for your support.At the same time, as I also discussed yesterday with the Minister of Interior of Italy, irregular Migration needs to be addressed in a coordinated way. Τo combat smuggling networks and to ensure first reception countries are provided with solidarity.
Greece every day is protecting its borders. Reducing flows from over a million in 2015, from 72 thousand in 2019 to 8500 in 2021 and around 15 thousand in 2022.
We have invested considerably in improving our asylum provisions. Operating today 34 Reception Centers, Building newer camps, which meet strict European Union’s standards. Reducing our asylum backlog from 200.000 applications to 25.000 today.
We have placed particularly emphasis to the protection of unaccompanied minors. This is a strategic priority for us, and we have worked successfully, with our EU partners, on relocations.
We invest actively in the integration programs offering full access to health, education, and employment to all recognized refugees.
We are doing our part. More importantly we protect human lives at our borders.
The Geneva Convention was not signed as an encompassing tool, to resolve all global injustices.
It aims to provide shelter to people defined in the convention, coming directly from places of risk.Facilitating people to come to a transit country,
where they enjoy safety, with the aim to pushforward such people to neighboring countries, in order to destabilize them, is obviously not acceptable. Obviously, root causes of migration exist and need to be better addressed.
Our countries, as part of the United Nations and the Council of Europe, are taking a leading role in such efforts.
I would hope my visit to San Marino serves to further cement our bilateral relationship. Finding new ways to cooperate now and to the future. A visit I would hope to be able to repeat soon.
Thank you.