This guide is addressed to adults who, upon their request, have been granted international protection status by the competent Greek authorities, either refugee status based on the 1951 Geneva Convention or subsidiary protection status.

This guide has been created in order to be a useful tool, providing the basic information that is necessary for those who are in Greece under refugee status and as beneficiaries of subsidiary protection status, and are trying to start a new life and to take advantage of the opportunities and possibilities offered in the country.

In the guide you will find information about Life in Greece, First Steps after the Granting of International Protection Status, Work/Employment, Housing, Education and Healthcare.

The guide was created by the Department of Socioeconomic Integration of the Directorate of Social Integration of the Greek Ministry of Migration and Asylum in cooperation and with the support of UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, under the existing cooperation between the Ministry and UNHCR in the field of integration of the refugee population.

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