Information Guide for the shipwreck of Pylos

The General Secretariat for the Reception of Asylum Seekers of the Ministry of Migration and Asylum in collaboration with the Asylum in collaboration with the General Secretariat of Civil Protection and the Greek Disaster Victim Identification Group would like to inform about the immediate operation of a hotline to provide information to the families and relatives of the victims of the shipwreck.

Those directly interested can contact by phone and e-mail at: 2131386000 and

Το τηλεφωνικό κέντρο λειτουργεί καθημερινά, Δευτέρα έως Παρασκευή, κατά τις ώρες 09.00 έως 17.00 (UTC+3) και υποστηρίζει τις ακόλουθες γλώσσες Αγγλικά, Αραβικά και Ουρντού.

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Viber Community

 Viber Community for Issues of Migration and Asylum

The Ministry of Migration and asylum has created a Viber Community in order to provide accurate and timely information regarding issues of migration and asylum. Please click on the following link, or scan the QR code in order to connect: