All asylum seekers are eligible to feeding programmes in the camps since the 1st of October and they will also be granted financial aid at the end of the month

Response to an NGO‘s letter regarding the feeding of asylum seekers

In relation to the NGO Communication on the feeding of asylum seekers, the following are specified:

All asylum seekers residing in the camps on the islands and mainland have the right to food. Since Oct 1st, everyone is provided with three meals and drinking water per day, while there is a special provision for specific groups (diabetics, infants depending on their age, etc.). At the same time, the same category will normally receive the financial assistance provided at the end of October, which will be paid in accounts. Therefore, there is no delay / problem in this.

Migrants, who have been delivered final negative decision regarding asylum, are obliged to leave the country. Alternatively, they can be taken to pre-departure centers depending on the decision of the Greek Police. To facilitate their departure from the country, there are special subsidized programs in cooperation with IOM and FRONTEX, for which they receive constant information.

Refugees who have been recognized as beneficiaries of international protection do not have the right to reside in the camps for asylum seekers and must leave them. At the same time, they have the right to work and can apply for allowances for further support. At the same time, they have the right to access the HELIOS program, implemented by our Ministry in cooperation with the IOM, with the funding of the European Commission, while in the near future additional integration programs will be activated with funding from the Recovery and Resilience Fund.

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