European Commission EMAS
Time Period: December 2017 until October 2021
Budget: 6.935.320,65€
Description: The project, fully funded by the European Commission, was implemented by the Asylum Service of the Ministry of Migration and Asylum, in collaboration with the Hellenic Police and the NGO "METAdrasi." Within the framework of the project, services of interpretation and translation were provided, equipment and systems were procured, and mixed task forces were established on five islands (Lesvos, Chios, Samos, Kos, Leros) to support asylum procedures. Additionally, administrative and operational support services were provided to these task forces.
Time Period: June 2019 until October 2023
Budget: 17.410.797,68€
Description: The Asylum Service, as the lead partner under HOME/2018/AMIF/AG/EMAS/0083, implemented the program in collaboration with the Hellenic Police and the NGO METAdrasi. The project was 85% funded by the EU. It included the procurement of equipment and systems to improve the functionality of services, the deployment of mixed task forces on five islands (Lesvos, Chios, Samos, Kos, Leros) to expedite procedures, the rental of buildings to house services, the provision of fire safety and first aid equipment, as well as administrative and operational support for the involved teams.