Temporary Reception

Accommodation Facilities (Domes) are located in the mainland and offer temporary accommodation to third-country nationals or stateless individuals who have applied for international protection within the territory of Greece. They also host the family members of applicants, minors- whether unaccompanied or not, as well as vulnerable individuals.

Accommodation Facilities (Domes) offer a stable living environment that meets residents’ essential material, social and educational needs. Residents live freely without restrictions in Facilities but are obliged to follow the regulations of operation that ensure peaceful and efficient living conditions.

Apart from accommodation, Facilities (Domes) offer a variety of services to residents, such as meal services, education on rights and obligations of applicants of international protection, psychological support, medical services, personal hygiene items, clothing, Greek language classes, and training sessions for the development of skills and competencies.

Residents of Accommodation Facilities (Domes) have to leave the premises when they become recognized refugees or are granted subsidiary protection, within a period of thirty (30) days from the issue of these decisions. However, unaccompanied minors remain residents of the facilities until they become adults.

Facilities (Domes)of Temporary Reception throughout Greece:

Click on the photos to learn more

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 Viber Community for Issues of Migration and Asylum

The Ministry of Migration and asylum has created a Viber Community in order to provide accurate and timely information regarding issues of migration and asylum. Please click on the following link, or scan the QR code in order to connect: