Notis Mitarachi's statement to the UN: " Türkiye must protect its own borders and provide international protection where necessary, in accordance with the International Law"

Statement by the Minister of Migration and Asylum, Mr. Notis Mitarachi to the Organization of United Nations, after his meeting with the President of the UN General Assembly, Csaba Kőrösi.

The Minister of Migration and Asylum, Mr. Notis Mitarachi, met with the President of the United Nations General Assembly, Csaba Kőrösi, on Thursday, October 27th, in New York.

The Minister presented to the President of the General Assembly the migration policy followed by Greece, while also underlining the need for a coordinated humanitarian action aimed at addressing the causes of migration.

Ο υπουργός Μετανάστευσης και Ασύλου Νότης Μηταράκης (Α), συναντάται με τον πρόεδρο της Γενικής Συνέλευσης του Οργανισμού Ηνωμένων Εθνών, Csaba Korosi (Τσάμπα Κορόσι) (Δ), κατά τη διάρκεια της επίσημης επίσκεψής του στις ΗΠΑ, Νέα Υόρκη Πέμπτη 27 Οκτωβρίου 2022. ΑΠΕ-ΜΠΕ/ΑΠΕ-ΜΠΕ/ΔΗΜΗΤΡΗΣ ΠΑΝΑΓΟΣ

In addition, he once again pointed out the urgent need to fight and crack down on smuggling networks.

Finally, referring to Turkish provocation and the recent incident of 92 migrants, Mr. Mitarachi emphasized that "Türkiye must protect its own borders and provide international protection where necessary. According to the International Law. In particular, it must avoid incidents, such as the recent one with the 92 migrants, who were found naked by Frontex and the Greek authorities, chased away by the neighboring authorities".

The full statement of the Minister of Migration and Asylum, Mr. Notis Mitarachi:

"I had the pleasure today to meet here, at the Headquarters of the United Nations in New York, the President of the General Assembly, Ambassador Mr. Csaba Kőrösi.

We discussed today's challenges, especially the situation in Ukraine and the climate crisis. Factors influencing migration flows, for which coordinated actions are required: to address causes of migration, for the coordinated humanitarian action.

At the same time, however, smuggling networks as well as attempts to instrumentalize human suffering must be combated.

Greece, in respect of International Law, rescues people on land and at sea every day. Greece hosts asylum seekers in decent living conditions. Protects unaccompanied minors. Operates integration programs by implementing a strict but fair migration policy.

Greece is doing its duty. However, it does not accept attempts to instrumentalize the migrants, as we saw in the recent general assembly by the Turkish President.

Türkiye must protect its own borders and provide international protection where necessary. According to the International Law. In particular, it must avoid incidents, like the recent one with the 92 migrants, who were found naked by Frontex and the Greek Authorities, expelled by the neighboring Authorities.

Migration is an issue that needs to be addressed in respect of human life, the obligations of the States, the International Law.

An issue that must be addressed with international cooperation, by protecting our borders, and also by fighting the trafficking networks.”

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