Continuing care for the survivors at RIC Malakasa - International protection applications are being submitted

The Ministry of Migration and Asylum, with respect to the tragedy of the shipwreck in international waters off the coast of Pylos, continues to take care of the rescued people at the Malakasa Reception and Identification Centre.

Specifically, there have been 86 rescued people, including 5 unaccompanied minors who are already in emergency accommodation facilities, transferred to the RIC, accompanied by teams from the Ministry. Among the 86, there are also 10 people who were previously hospitalised at Kalamata and were transferred to the RIC Malakasa on Monday afternoon.

The Ministry of Migration and Asylum has been instrumental in providing humanitarian aid from the very beginning, health care by the Facility's doctors, as well as support to vulnerable groups, as in the case of unaccompanied minors. The rescued people have also been provided with the necessary meals and clothing, and have housed in the Facility's units. In addition, communication rooms have been created, where the beneficiaries have the possibility to access social media to communicate with their relatives.

The reception, registration and identification of the rescued people is taking place in the RIC Malakasa, while the ones in charge of the RIC have been informing them on their rights. In this context, the procedures for applying for international protection are continuing.

At the Ministry of Immigration and Asylum, the Disaster Victims Identification Team

It is noted that since Saturday 17 June, the Hellenic Disaster Victim Identification Team is based in the "Keranis" building of the Ministry of Migration and Asylum, in order to provide further assistance in the effort to identify the victims of the shipwreck, in cooperation with the Central Port Authority of Kalamata, the General Secretariat for the Reception of Asylum Seekers of the Ministry and the General Secretariat for Civil Protection.

At the same time, in order to further support this purpose, a help desk has been set up, Monday to Friday (09.00 to 19.00 (UTC+3)) to provide information to families and relatives of the shipwreck victims in English, Arabic, Pashto and Urdu, by calling 0030 2131386000 or by e-mailing

The Keranis building will also be the place where relatives of the victims will be examined and where the biological material (DNA) will be collected, upon prior communication with them.

It is noted that the Red Cross is also contributing to the search effort for the relatives of the victims and survivors.

The Ministry of Migration and Asylum aims to ensure the safety of the rescued persons, to ensure their well-being by providing decent living conditions and, of course, to ensure the smooth functioning of all the necessary procedures for the submission and examination of asylum applications.

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