Replacement of the papers issued to applicants for International Protection (triptych) by the new cards (Thessaloniki)

The Asylum Service informs that as from Thursday 17.06.2021, new cards will be issued and granted to applicants for international protection, that will replace the old (triptychs) whose validity expires on 30.06.2021.   

Residents of apartments in the ESTIA program in Central Macedonia (Thessaloniki territory) are kindly requested to search for the time and day of their scheduled appointment at the electronic address by entering their case number

It is pointed out that the only service point will be the Asylum Office of Thessaloniki, Building of former «B KTEO», 5 Pontou Street – Lahanagora District, 54628 , while - for the observance of the protection measures by Covid 19 - the interested parties are requested to arrive 10 minutes before their scheduled appointment.  

It is reminded that the new Ιnternational Protection Applicant's Card, in the form of the smart card that will replace the old ones (triptychs), are issued with a built-in microprocessor and with electronic registration and renewal. They will also include a unique number (UID), which is not modifiable and is related to a fingerprint, while the competent authorities of issuance and issuance will keep an electronic file.   

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