Second Instance Procedure

Important Points in the Second Instance Procedure

The procedure before the Independent Appeals Committees (articles 97-113 of Law 4939/2022 on "international protection and other provision constitutes the second degree of administrative examination of applications for international protection. It ensures the right guaranteed by article 46 of Directive 2013/32/EU on common procedures for granting and withdrawing international protection. It is completed with the issuance of a decision within specific time limits that do not exceed thirty (30) days from the discussion of the case (article 106, 4939/2022) with the exception of the appeals that are examined in the context of the border procedure, in which the decision must be issued within seven (7) days from the discussion of the appeal (article 95, par. 3 item. c of Law 4939/2022). 

The operation of the Independent Appeals Committees is regulated by the Appeals Authority’s Rules of Procedure (Ministerial Decision 26750/22.10.2020 - Government Gazette Issue Β’ sheet 4852).

The procedure before the Independent Appeals Committee is a written one and the examination of the appeals is based on the elements in the case file (article 102 par. 1 and 2 of Law 4939/2022). This obligation is waived in the cases provided in article 83 par. 3 of 4939/2022.

The Independent Appeals Committee necessarily summons the applicant to an oral hearing in the following cases:

  • the appeal is against a decision withdrawing international protection 
  • issues or doubts are raised relating to the completeness of the applicant’s interview at first instance
  • the appellant has submitted substantial new evidence involving belated claims (article 102 par. 3 of Law 4939/2022).

When an oral hearing is conducted, the Appeals Authority shall summon the appellant to appear before the competent Independent Appeals Committee.

Applicants shall be notified no later than ten (10) business days prior to the hearing, in a language they are capable of understanding, of the date and place of the hearing, as well as of their right to appear before the Authority in person or with authorized attorneys or other counselors, in order to present their arguments and provide any necessary clarifications, with the assistance of an interpreter (article 102 par. 4 of 4939/2022).

Applicants may submit a legal note developing the claims made in the appeal no later than three (3) days prior to the examination of the appeal. This legal note can be used to present delayed claims. Applicants may also provide evidence for their claims within the same time limit. Exceptionally, if the border procedure is applied (article 95 of 4939/2022) applicants may file a legal note until the day before the examination of the appeal (article 104 of 4939/2022). The legal note and the additional documents are submitted in person to the Central Secreteriat of the Appeals Authority, or sent via e-mail in PDF file format up to 3.5 MB to the following address:

Press here for the "Application for Submission of Additional Documents"

The examination of an appeal shall be postponed:

  • if the applicant who is not present has not been lawfully summoned; or
  • if requested by the applicant, who, although present, has not been lawfully summoned.

Applicants, who are present, or their authorized attorneys, may request the postponement of the examination only once, and only for material cause, if the ground is proved on the spot. Postponed cases shall be examined at the next hearing date and the date shall be announced to applicants or their authorized attorneys. The new examination date shall not require the re-notification of applicants or their authorized attorneys (article 103 Law 4939/2022).

The request is submitted in person to the Central Secreteriat of the Appeals Authority, or sent via e-mail to:

The decision of the Independent Appeals Committees on whether the third-country national or stateless person be granted refugee or subsidiary protection status is final (article 1 point (jc) of Law 4939/2022)

  • The decision rejecting an application, shall also order the return of applicants and set for this purpose a deadline for voluntary departure pursuant the provisions of Law 3907/2011
  • Beneficiaries of international protection are entitled to certain rights (education, housing, healthcare, social security and social assistance). For more information please visit the site of the Asylum Service.

The decision shall be served to the applicant either in person or through a letter that will be posted to them (or their authorized attorneys) by registered mail (article 87 of 4939/2022).

Commencement of the deadline for voluntary departure and the filing of an application for annulment against the decision (articles 114 and 115, of Law 4939/2022), removal-deactivation of Asylum Seeker Card and Temporary Social Security and Medical Care Number resulting in loss of access to the labor market and healthcare services.

Applicants for international protection may lodge an application for annulment of a second instance decision of the Appeals Committees solely before the Administrative Court of First Instance having territorial jurisdiction (article 114 of Law 4939/2022).

Applicants may stay in the territory of the Country and are granted withholding of removal during the prescribed period for lodging an appeal and until the decision on the application is served to them and are protected from return. The lodging of the appeal does not have automatic suspensive effect in all cases of asylum seekers (article 110, par. 2 of Law 4939/2022). Exceptions to the above rule are provided in article 110 par. 1 of Law 4939/2022).

After the rejection of the application, asylum seekers do not have the right to stay in the country, but are protected from deportation, readmission or refoulment until the service of the decision rejecting the application (article 97 par.3 4939/2022 ), as well as throughout the term for voluntary departure agreed with the rejection decision, which can be extended up to one hundred and twenty (120) days (article 22 of Law 3907/2011).

If applicants wish to change their personal details during the examination of the appeal, the details are modified by decision of the competent Independent Appeals Committee (article 84 par. 6 of Law 4939/2022). In case there is a need for modification of personal details after the issuance of the final second instance decision rejecting the application for international protection, the modification can be made by the decision of the Administrative Director of the Appeals Authority (article 84 par. 7 of Law 4939/2022 The pre-requisites and the necessary supporting documents are determined by the competent E3/H2 Directorates of Consulate Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, can be found at the following address and are also included in the relevant issued Circular (protocol number 20951/25.10.2018) which regulates issues of modification of personal information.

The application and the necessary supporting documents (original or certified copies of Passport, National Identity Card or Certificate issued as prescribed in the above decision) are submitted in person to the Central Secreteriat of the Appeals Authority, or sent via e-mail in PDF file format up to 3.5 MB to the following address:

Press here for the "Application to Change Personal Details"

Applicants and their authorized attorneys have access to information of their files, on the basis of which the decision is adopted or will be adopted (article 76 par. 4 of Law 4939/2022) subject to article 74 par. 6 point (f), third indent. The request is submitted in person to the Central Secretariat of the Appeals Authority, or sent via e-mail to: Central Secreteriat of the Appeals Authority, or sent via e-mail to:

Press here for the "Application for Copies of Case File"

Applicants or their authorized attorneys may file a request for expedition of the examination procedure of the appeal which is considered by the Appeals Authority. Similarly, the above may submit a request for the expedited issuance of a decision, which is considered by the competent Independent Appeals Committee. The application form is submitted in person to the Central Secreteriat of the Appeals Authority, or sent via e-mail to:

Press here for the "Application for Expedited Appeal Process/Issuance of Decision

Applicants or their authorized attorneys may file a request for a certificate of application status in order to be informed about the stage of the examination of their appeal. The application is submitted in person to the Central Secreteriat of the Appeals Authority, or sent via e-mail to:

Press here for the "Application for Information on Appeal Status"

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