The Minister of Migration and Asylum, Mr. Notis Mitarachi, travelled to Bangladesh, where he met with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Abdul Momen, and the Minister of Expatriates' Welfare and Overseas Employment, Mr. Imran Ahmad.
The main purpose of the visit of the Minister of Migration and Asylum is to promote a new model of cooperation with countries of origin of migrants, such as Bangladesh, which focuses, on the one hand, on providing legal migration opportunities - seasonal workers in particular-and, on the other, combating illegal migration and smuggling networks.

Within this context, the two Ministers signed a bilateral Memorandum of Understanding to provide better cooperation in matters of legal and illegal migration, proposing the issuance of seasonal work permits.
Mr. Mitarachi noted that with the legislative provision of Article 13 of Law 4251/14 and the bilateral agreements, Greece aims at combatting illegal migration, to meet the needs of the Greek economy with seasonal workers, and to avoid permanent residence in our country.
Additionally, it sets specific resident limitations, in line with national migration policy, does not burden social structures with family members, nor does it provide for long-term stays. Thus, it is linked with work contracts, which must be agreed upon before the third country’s national arrival to Greece.
Finally, Mr. Mitarachi attended a working dinner held by the Minister of Expatriates' Welfare and Overseas Employment, Mr. Ahmad, in the presence of the Ministers of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs, as well as Interior and Trade.

Τhe Memorandum of Understanding includes:
- Cooperation in the fight against illegal migration and the strengthening of deportations of those who reside illegally. It is a clear position of Greece to fight the smuggling networks.
- Granting 15,000 one-time seasonal work permits to citizens od Bangladesh
- The permit will enable 15,000 citizens of Bangladesh currently residing in Greece to join the seasonal work permit regime. In this case, on the one hand they have to stay in the country for up to 9 months per year and on the other hand they have to follow the procedures provided for this residence permit.
- Distribution -according to Article 13 of Law 4251 / 14- of 4,000 permits per year within a period of five years, to citizens of Bangladesh who have a seasonal employment contract with employers in Greece.
- This permit allows up to 9 months of residence per year, does not provide for family reunification nor gives the right to subsequent access to citizenship. It also does not allow family reunification, in accordance with the provisions of European seasonal labor legislation.