Fundamental Rights Complaints Mechanism

Fundamental Rights Officer
Who can submit a complaint?
1. A third-country national may submit a complaint to the Fundamental Rights Officer (FRO) if he/she believes that he/she is directly affected by state actions or omissions and he/she considers that one or more of his/her fundamental rights have been violated due to those actions or omissions, during access to territory and/or reception and/or asylum procedures in Greece.
How do I submit a complaint?
2. Your complaint must be submitted by name and in writing. Your complaint will be handled, at a preliminary stage, by the Fundamental Rights Officer (FRO), who acts with autonomy and is independent in the performance of his duties. Using this complaint form will help the FRO to process your complaint more efficiently, but you can also submit a complaint in writing by other means of your choice. At any stage of the procedure, the FRO may request you to submit additional information, documentation or clarification to your complaint. For this reason, it is important that you insert your contact details below.
3. Complaints may be submitted currently in Greek and in English.
4. There is no maximum length for your complaint. However, it is recommended that your complaint should not exceed 15 pages.
5. You do not need to go through any other actions before submitting your complaint.
6. If you submit a complaint to the FRO, this does not prevent you from accessing other forms of complaint, such as actions brought before national or European courts.
7. Complaints of incidents brought before judicial or prosecuting authorities shall be closed.
8. You should describe in a concrete, specific and sufficiently substantiated manner the facts of your complaint, which may constitute violations of fundamental rights.
9. The submission of your complaint is free of charge.
What happens after I submit my complaint?
10. Τhe FRO will treat all complaints with confidentiality.
11. Within a reasonable time, the FRO will conduct a preliminary examination of your complaint, refer it, if declared admissible, to the National Transparency Authority or to competent authorities, in accordance with the applicable legislation, and will inform you in writing. The FRO will be kept informed of the examination process of your complaint.
12. If your complaint is declared inadmissible, the FRO will inform you in writing of the reasons for inadmissibility and, if possible, provide you with further options for your complaint.
13. If your complaint is declared inadmissible, the FRO will re-examine it if you submit new evidence.
14. Any change of mailing address, email address or other contact details of the complainant should be notified as soon as possible to the FRO.
Fundamental Rights Officer - Version v.1