Administration & Contact
Asylum Service Directorates
The Asylum Service, which operates οn a Directorate General level with local competence throughout Greece, retains the strategic goal of implementing the legislation on asylum and other forms of international protection of Third Country Nationals and stateless individuals. It is the country's competent authority in planning and policy making in the process of granting asylum or other forms of international protection, as well as in monitoring and evaluating its implementation. The Asylum Directorate General comes under the Secretary General of Immigration Policy. The Director of the Asylum Service is Marios Kaleas
- Contact
- Thivon Av. 196-198, 182 33, Ag. Ioannis Rentis - Nikea
- Tel.
- Central email:
- Deputy Director:
Asylum Service Directorates
The operational objective of the Directorate of General Administration is the planning, monitoring and supervision of the implementation of the national policy regarding the granting of asylum or other forms of international protection, in cooperation with the Regional Services of Attica, the Aegean Islands and Returns and Revocations Directorates of the Greek Asylum Service, as well as ensuring of conditions for the proper application of the responsibilities falling under the Greek Asylum Service, in cooperation with the competent Directorates-General of the Ministry, other competent authorities, independent authorities and non-governmental organizations, European Union and international organizations . The Directorate General consists of the following Departments:
- Department of Dublin National Unit
- Department of European Programs and Funding Monitoring
- Department of Mobile Asylum Units
- Department of Administrative Support and Protocol
- Department of Procedures and Training
Supervisor: Vassiliki Kakosimou
The operational objective of the Directorate of Regional Services is to provide the necessary conditions for the effective exercise of the responsibilities of the Regional Offices and Units, which fall under its authority, in tandem with the Logistics Directorate and the competent Directorates General. The Directorate plans, directs, monitors and controls the activities of the following Regional Asylum Offices (PGA) and Units (A.K.A.):
- Thrace Regional Asylum Office
- Thessaloniki Regional Asylum Office
- Western Greece Regional Asylum Unit
- Regional Asylum Office of Crete
- Xanthi Asylum Unit
- Fylakio Asylum Unit
- Corinth Asylum Unit
- Ioannina Asylum Unit
- Asylum Unit for Nationals of Safe Countries
- Asylum Unit for Vulnerable Groups of Thessaloniki
The Attica Regional Services' Directorate's operational objective is to provide the necessary conditions for the effective exercise of the responsibilities of the Regional Offices and Units, which fall under its authority, in tandem with the Logistics Directorate and the competent Directorates General. The Directorate plans, directs, monitors and controls the activities of the following Regional Asylum Offices (PGA) and Units (A.K.A.):
- Attica Regional Asylum Office
- Pireaus Regional Asylum Office
- Alimos Regional Asylum Office
- Asylum Unit of Amygdaleza
- Asylum Unit of Nikaia
- Asylum Unit for fast-track applications of international protection competent for the examination of applications, which fall under the local jurisdiction of the Regional Asylum Office of Attica and are submitted (a) by Syrian nationals and stateless individuals with Syria as former state of residence, whose nationality or statelessness is proved by original documents, especially with Syrian passport or (b) by Syrian nationals and stateless individuals with Syria as former country of habitual residence, whose citizenship or statelessness has been established by the competent authorities and who have been excluded from the procedure of par. 3, art. 90 of law 4636/2019
- Asylum Unit of International Protection Beneficiaries
- Asylum Unit of International Protection Applicants under custody
- Asylum Unit for Vulnerable Groups of Attica
Supervisor: Stavros Apostolakis
The Aegean Islands Directorate retains the operational objective of providing the necessary conditions for the effective exercise of the responsibilities of the Regional Offices and Asylum Units
which fall under its jurisdiction, in tandem with the Logistics Directorate and the competent Directorates General. The Aegean Islands Directorate plans, directs, monitors and controls the activities of the following Regional Asylum Offices (PGA) and Units (A.K.A.):
- Lesvos Regional Asylum Office
- Chios Regional Asylum Office
- Samos Regional Asylum Office
- Leros Regional Asylum Office
- Rhodes Regional Asylum Office
- Kos Regional Asylum Office
Supervisor: Foteini Sarantelli
The operational objective of the Directorate of Returns and Withdrawals is to coordinate, monitor and participate in the planning of the management of readmission, return, deportation or relocation procedures, both on national and European Union level, in cooperation with the regional services of the Ministry, the competent Ministries and other stakeholders, the representation of the Ministry in all kinds of conferences, seminars, meetings, technical meetings, working groups or programs and the submission of proposals on the conclusion of bilateral and multilateral agreements and agreements on issues of its competence and assistance to the regional services of the Asylum Service with regard to the procedures for withdrawal,exclusion and review of international protection status. The Directorate of Returns and Withdrawals consists of the following Departments:
- Department for the coordination of returns from the mainland and of voluntary returns
- Department for the coordination of returns from the islands
- Department of recalls and exclusion
Supervisor: Florentia Fykata
Regional Asylum Service Offices and Asylum Units
The mission of Regional Asylum Offices and Asylum Units, within the limits of their local competence, is to apply the legislation on international protection and in particular:
a) fingerprinting of applicants for international protection
b) registering and examining applications for international protection;
c) registering appeals and forwarding them to the Appeals Authority;
d) informing the applicants of international protection about the examination process of their applications, and about their rights and obligations;
e) supplying the applicants of international protection, as well as the beneficiaries of international protection, with legalization and travel documents;
f) facilitating applicants for international protection in terms of reception conditions in cooperation with other competent bodies.
g) the exercise of any other responsibility assigned to them by provisions in force
Aegean Islands Directorate - Regional Asylum Offices and Units
The Regional Asylum Office of Lesvos started its operation on October, 15 2013.
Its local jurisdiction covers the islands of Lesvos and Limnos of the Northern Aegean. It examines applications for international protection that are submitted by asylum seekers who live in the above areas.
Supervisor: Sarantelli Fotini
Address: Area "Pagani," Fomer Building of Neoset, 81100
Tel. : 22510-38087
The Regional Asylum Office of Chios began its operations on February, 29 2016. It retains the local jurisdiction for the geographical area of Chios in the North Aegean. It is located in Lefkonia/Chios and also operates in the Reception and Identification Center on the island of Chios.
Supervisor: Kyriaki Kossena
Offices A': Lefkonia/Kontari, Chios 82132,
Secretariat tel: 2271024516,
Supervisor s tel.: 2271022038
Offices B': Reception and Identification Center Chios, Area Chalkiou Chios 82100, Tel: 22710-69021
The Regional Asylum Office of Samos began operations on January 14 2016.
The local jurisdiction of the Regional Asylum Office of Samos extends to the Municipalities of Samos and Ikaria in the Northern Aegean Region.
Supervisor: Ioannis Stefanou
Address: Likourgou Logotheti & M. Kalomiri E. Stamatiadi, 83100
Tel : 22730-86722
The Regional Asylum Office of Leros became operational on March 11, 2016. It started its operation as the Asylum Unit of Leros, functioning within the Reception and Identification Center of Leros. It has competence over the territorial region of the Kalymnos Regional Unit (Municipalities of Kalymnia, Astypalaia, Leipsos, Leros, Patmos and Agathonisi) of the South Aegean Prefecture. It operates within the Closed Controlled Access Center of Leros.
Supervisor: Sofia Psychogiou
Address: Closed Controlled Access Center of Leros
Tel .: 213 1383050-57
The Regional Asylum Office of Rhodes started its operation on January, 2 2014. Its local jurisdiction covers the regional areas of Rhodes and Karpathos in the South Aegean.
Supervisor: Vratsali Nefeli
Address: 13 Kolokotroni, neighborhood Agiou Georgiou, Area Kova, 85100
The Regional Asylum Office of Kos operates within the Closed Controlled Access Center of Kos, with competence over the territorial region of the Regional Unit of Kos (Municipalities of Kos and Nisyros).
Supervisor: Eirini Chalkidou
Address: Closed Controlled Access Center of Kos
Area Pyli, 85300
Tel.: 22420-27856
Tel. of Supervisor: 213 1383150
Directorate of Returns and Withdrawals
The department for the coordination of mainland and voluntary returns is responsible for:
- the coordination of inland readmission, return, deportation or relocation procedures in tandem with other central or regional services or offices of the Ministry, the competent Ministries and other relevant national or international organizations,
- the preparation of regular reports on the proper monitoring of cases' progress under its supervision,
- the coordination and organization throughout the country of actions aiming to motivate third-country nationals to participate in voluntary return procedures, in cooperation with the International Organization for Migration or other organizations or offices,
- the cooperation with Regional Asylum Offices, Asylum Units and the Reception and Identification Service aiming to inform third-country nationals about voluntary returns,
- editing and publishing of information material for third-country nationals on matters within its competence, which may be translated into one or more languages or dialects,
- the study of the legal framework of inland returns and voluntary returns, as well as the provision of instructions, technical support or information to any interested party,
- issuing draft regulatory decisions within the jurisdiction of the Department.
The department for the coordination of island returns is responsible for:
- the coordination of island readmission, return, deportation or relocation procedures in tandem with other central or regional services or offices of the Ministry, the competent Ministries and other relevant national or international organizations,
- the preparation of regular reports on the proper monitoring of cases' progress under its supervision,
- the coordination and monitoring of third-country nationals' movement within the inland territory who wish to return voluntarily,
- editing and publishing of information material for third-country nationals on matters within its competence, which may be translated into one or more languages or dialects depending on the case,
- the study of the legal framework of island returns, as well as the provision of instructions, technical support or information to any interested party,
- issuing draft regulatory decisions within the jurisdiction of the Department.
Supervisor: Dimitra Tsalimoglou
The Department of Withdrawals and Exclusion is responsible for:
- monitoring and participating in the drafting of policies and legislation on withdrawals and returns, at the European and international level, and for the submission of relevant suggestions and proposals to the Directorate of European and International Cooperation,
- the preparation for the representation in international and European organizations over issues of withdrawals and returns in cooperation with the Directorate of European and International Cooperation of the Ministry,
- the cooperation with the Directorate of European and International Cooperation of the Ministry in processing bilateral and multilateral conventions and agreements in matters of withdrawals and returns,
- integration and monitoring of the process of applying EU law on issues of withdrawals and returns in the Greek legal order in cooperation with the Directorate of European and International Cooperation,
- the provision, in cooperation with the Department of Legal Issues in Asylum Granting or Other Forms of International Protection of the Directorate of Legal Support of Asylum and Reception, of opinions on exclusion clauses for applicants of international protection, in accordance with articles 11 and 16 of Law 4939/2022, following a question on behalf of caseworkers by the competent Regional Asylum Offices, Asylum Units and Mobile Asylum Units,
- the revocation of international protection status, in case new evidence emerges in the context of articles 10 and 15 of Law 4939/2022, and the issuance of relevant decisions in accordance with articles 13, 18 and 96 of law 4939/2022, with competence throughout the country,
- the provision, in cooperation with the Department of Legal Issues in Asylum Granting or Other Forms of International Protection of the Directorate of Legal Support of Asylum and Reception, of opinions on exclusion clauses for applicants of international protection, according to the previous paragraph, following questions on behalf of caseworkers by the competent Regional Asylum Offices, Asylum Units and Mobile Asylum Units concerning the renewal of residence permits of art. 23, Law 4939/2022.
Supervisor: Panayiotis Tsioros
Directorate of Regional Offices and Units
The Regional Asylum Office of Thessaloniki started operating as an Asylum Unit on 20/1/2014 and as a Regional Asylum Office on 8/7/2015. It has local competence in the territorial region of the Regions of Central and Western Macedonia, as well as the Corfu Regional Unit of the Ionian Islands Region, excluding applications that fall under the Asylum Unit for Nationals of Safe Countries.
Supervisor: Chrysanthi Avloniti
Address: Building of former «B KTEO», 5 Pontou Street – Lahanagora District, 54628 Ampelokipoi-Menemeni Thessalonikis (The Office is served by bus line No.9, Stop «Anapsyktirio»)
Tel: 2310-751775
The Asylum Unit of Xanthi started operating on November 20th 2014. It is housed in and operates within the premises of the the Pre-Removal Detention Center at Kotyli in Xanthi, and it retains the competence for registering, examining and deciding upon claims for international protection submitted by third-country nationals or stateless persons who are in administrative custody in the facility at Kotyli in Xanthi.
Supervisor: Anna Samothraki
2nd kilometer, Xanthi – Kavala National Road, Postal Code: 67100, Xanthi
Τηλ.: 25410-20030
The Regional Asylum Office of Fylakio (former Northern Evros) started its operation on July, 11, 2013. Its local jurisdiction covers the municipalities of Didymoteicho and Orestiada in Northern Evros. It is based and operates in the facilities of the First Reception Center of Fylakio.
Supervisor: Maria Tsipa
Address: Reception and Identification Center of Fylakio (KYT), 6806, Fylakio.
Tel .: 25520-95180
The Asylum Unit of Korinthos became operational on August 8, 2016. It is housed in and operates from the Pre-Removal Detention Center in Korinthos, and it is responsible for registering, examining and deciding upon claims of international protection submitted by third-country nationals or stateless persons who are in administrative custody in Nafplio, Tirintha and Tripolis.
Supervisor: Angelos Angelopoulos
Address: Ipiresia Filaxis Egkatastaseon Kratisis Allodapon Korinthou [Foreign Nationals' Custody Service of Corinthos] (former IFEKA-current PROKEKA) Examilion 3, Korinthos, Post Box 20131
Tel: 27410-81015
The Asylum Unit of Safe Countries has been established in the premises of the Regional Asylum Office of Thessaloniki and is responsible for receiving and examining International Protection applications that are in the jurisdiction of the Regional Asylum Office of Thessaloniki and are submitted by nationals of Safe Countries.
Supervisor: Tatsiou Vasiliki
Address: Building of former «B KTEO», 5 Pontou Street str. – Lahanagora District, 54628 Ampelokipoi-Menemeni Thessalonikis (The Office is served by bus line No.9, Stop «Anapsyktirio»)
Tel: 2310-751775
The Asylum Unit of Ioannina is based in Perama in the Municipality of Ioannina, and is responsible for receiving and examining applications for international protection
(a) of foreigners or stateless persons held in detention facilities, as well as in temporary detention areas/detention centers of police stations within the boundaries of the Region of Epirus and the Regional Unit of Corfu, and
(b) of foreigners or stateless persons who are accommodated in temporary facilities of the Region of Epirus and the Regional Unit of Corfu.
Supervisor: Athina Zioga
Address: 4th km. Old Ioannina – Trikala National Road, 45500, Perama Ioannina.
Tel: 26510-86154
The Regional Asylum Office of Crete became operational as an Asylum Unit of Crete on December 2016. It is based in the municipality of Heraklion on the island of Crete. It is responsible for receiving and examining applications for International Protection submitted by third-country nationals or stateless persons who are staying in the island of Crete.
Supervisor: Eleni Vazeou
Ifestou and Elefthernis, Heraklion (Kaminia), Postal Code: 713 03
Tel: 2810-259338
The Regional Asylum Office of Western Greece started its operation on June 1st 2014. It is responsible for the geographical area of Western Greece, Peloponnese and Ionian Islands with the exception of Corfu. It receives and processes applications of these areas except those that refer to the Asylum Unit of Korithnos.
Supervisor: Nektarios Papakonstantinopoulos
Kapodistriou 92 & Panachaikou, 26224, Patras
Τηλ: 2610-318171,2610-323219
The Regional Asylum Office (RAO) of Thrace started its operation on 29/7/2013, it is based in Alexandroupolis, and has local jurisdiction over the Region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace, excluding applications that fall under the Asylum Units of Fylakio, Xanthi and Paranesti.
Supervisor: Gavanidis Ioannis
Address: Makris Avenue 1-B, Nea Chili Alexandroupoli, postal code 68100
- 25510 35 168
- 25510 40 740
- 25510 40 741
- 25510-35170
The Asylum Unit of Paranesti is responsible for examining applications of international protection that are submitted by applicants who are staying in the Pre-Departure Detention Center of Paranesti Drama.
Supervisor: Leonidas Boutsikaris
Address: Pantazopoulou Camp, PROKEKA of Paranesti
Tel.: 25240-22519
The Asylum Unit for Vulnerable Groups of Thessaloniki is operating in Thessaloniki, and it is responsible for receiving and processing applications for international protection submitted by persons belonging to vulnerable groups as defined in para. 33 of article 1 of Law 4939/2022 and local competence that of the Directorate of Regional Offices and Units.
Supervisor: Marina Tziafeta
Address: Andreou Georgiou 26, 546 27, Thessaloniki
Tel: 2310-546862
Directorate of Attica - Regional Asylum Offices and Units
The Regional Asylum Office of Attica is the first office of the Asylum Service to be established, and it started its operation on June 7, 2013, based in Athens. It has local jurisdiction in the territorial region of the Regions of Attica, Central Greece, Epirus, Thessaly and the Regional Units of Naxos (Municipalities of Naxos and Small Cyclades and Amorgos), Paros (Municipalities of Paros and Antiparos), Milos (Municipalities of Milos, Kimolos, Serifos and Sifnos), Syros (Municipality of Syros Ermoupolis), Kea Kythnos (Municipalities of Kea and Kythnos), Tinos (Municipality of Tinos), Mykonos (Municipality of Mykonos), Andros (Municipality of Andros) and Thira (Municipalities of Thira, Ieta, Sikinos, Folegandros and Anafi) of the South Aegean Region.
The Attica RAO is responsible for all applications for international protection submitted by foreigners or stateless persons within its local jurisdiction, except for those that fall under the Asylum Units of Amygdaleza, of Fast-track Examination of Applications for International Protection, of International Protection Applicants Under Custody, and of Vulnerable Groups of Attica, as well as of the Regional Asylum Offices of Piraeus and Alimos.
Supervisor: Maria Papadopoulou
Address: P. Kanellopoulou 2, 101 77, Athens
Tel.: 210-6988500
The Regional Asylum Office of Pireaus was established in August 2016. It is responsible for the examination international protection applications which fall within the local jurisdiction of the Regional Asylum Office of Attica, as applicable, and which are submitted by Afghan nationals.
Supervisor: Aikaterini Moysiadou
Address: 106, Notara street, postal code 18535, Piraeus
Call Center: 2104187090
Fax: 210-4599730
The Regional Asylum Office of Alimos (formerly the Relocation Asylum Unit) is based and operates in Athens, in the region of Alimos, with responsibility for examining applications for international protection which fall under the local jurisdiction of the Regional Asylum Office of Attica, and are submitted by stateless persons of Palestinian origin, of citizens of Syria, except of those under the jurisdiction of the Asylum Unit for the Fast-track Examination of International Protection Applications, as well as by citizens of the following Sub-Saharan African countries:
- Ethiopia
- Ivory Coast
- Angola
- Gabon
- Guinea
- Guinea-Bissau
- Central African Republic
- Republic of Congo
- Western Sahara
- Eritrea
- Zambia
- Zimbabwe
- Equatorial Guinea
- Cameroon
- Kenya
- Comoro Islands
- People's Republic of Congo
- Lesotho
- Liberia
- Malawi
- Mali
- Mauritius
- Burundi
- Botswana
- Maldives
- Madagascar
- Mozambique
- Burkina Faso
- Namimbia
- Niger
- Nigeria
- South Africa
- South Soudan
- Uganda
- Cape Verde
- Rwanda
- Sao Tome
- Seychelles
- Sierra Leone
- Somalia
- Sudan
- Swaziland
- Tanzania
- Djibouti
- Chad
Supervisor: Sofia Stathakou
Address: 6, Dodekanissou str., postal code 17456, Alimos (building of IOM)
Tel: 210-9903370
Fax: 210-9943947
The Asylum Unit of Amygdaleza, which is based and operates at the Pre-Departure Detention Center for Foreigners (PROKEKA) of Amygdaleza, is responsible for:
(a) the receipt and examination of requests for international protection by foreigners or stateless prisoners who are in administrative detention and held in places or detention centers and prisons of the region of Attica, Central Greece and the regional units of Naxos, Paros, Milos, Syros, Kea, Kythnos, Tinos, Mykonos, Andros and Thira of the South Aegean region, and
(b) the receipt and examination of applications for international protection by foreigners or stateless persons submitted in accordance with article 95 of Law 4939/2022, in transit zones of ports or airports of the country, within the boundaries of the region of Attica, Central Greece and the regional units of Naxos, Paros, Milos, Syros, Kea, Kythnos, Tinos, Mykonos, Andros and Thira of the South Aegean region.
Supervisor: Vasiliki Borousi
101 Thrakomakedonon Av., Acharnes, postal code: 13671
Tel: 210-2444495
Fax: 210-2466647
The Asylum Unit of Nikaia is based and operates in the premises of the Regional Asylum Office of Nikaia, at 196-198 Thivon Avenue, with the authority of:
(a) issuing decisions on applications for the provision of international protection that have been submitted by third-country nationals and stateless persons and are pending in the first instance of administrative proceedings before the competent Receiving and Examination Authorities, regardless of their local and material competence, and
(b) the delivery of travel documents in accordance with par. 2 of article 2 of no. 10302/29-05-2020 (B΄ 2036) Joint Ministerial Decision "Procedure for granting travel documents to beneficiaries of refugee status, to beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, as well as to applicants for international protection".
Supervisor: Konstantinos Morfakis
Address: Thivon 196-198 Av, Ag. Ioannis Rentis, postal code: 182 33
The «Fast Track» Asylum Unit for applications of international protection has been established in December 2016 and is responsible for receiving and processing international protection applications under the authority of the Attica Regional Asylum, in the area of Athens. It is responsible for processing applications from Syrians whose nationality or statelessness can be proved with original documents and mainly a passport of the Arab Republic of Syria.
Supervisor: Nikolaos Eleftheriou
Address: Kanellopoulou 2, 10177, Athens
Tel: 210-6988534
Fax: 210-6988617
The Asylum Unit of International Protection Beneficiaries is based and operates in Athens, with responsibility for receiving and examining applications for the renewal of residence permits of beneficiaries of international protection, for the examination of applications related to family reunification of recognized refugees, and for dealing with issues pertaining to the integration of beneficiaries of international protection.
Supervisor: Konstantina Milioni
Address: P. Kanellopoulou 2, 115 27, Athens
Tel.: 210-69 88 592
The Asylum Unit of International Protection Applicants under custody is operating in the premises of the Aliens’ Division in Attica and is responsible for receiving and screening International Protection applications of foreign or stateless nationals under custody in detention facilities or jails within the administrative boundaries of Attica, Central Greec, as well as the South Aegean administrative units of Naxos, Paros, Milos, Syros, Kea-Kythnos, Tinos, Mykonos, Andros and Thiras of the South Aegean.
Supervisor: Martha Isaakidi
Address: Petrou Ralli 24 , P.C. 17778, Tavros
Tel. 210-3405974
The Asylum Unit for Vulnerable Groups of Attica is operating in Athens, and it is responsible for receiving and processing applications for international protection submitted by persons belonging to vulnerable groups as defined in para. 33 of article 1 of Law 4939/2022 and local competence that of the Directorate of Attica.
Supervisor: Andromachi Leridou
Address: 145, Liossion st., 10445, Athens
Tel. 2131384930
Directorate of Administration Support - Departments
It ensures the implementation of the EU Regulation 604/2013 of the European Parliament and of the June 26th 2013 Council and any other relevant legislation and is cooperation with the relevant public services. It also deals with the negotiation and implementation of voluntary resettlement programs for asylum seekers, as well as suggestions regarding the negotiation procedures for the revision of Regulation 604/2013.
Supervisor: Kousi Sophia
Tel: 213 1629157
Working hours: 10:00 am - 12:00 Noon
The competence of the department of European Programs and Funding Monitoring extends to monitoring, recording and proposing the best possible use of available resources, aiming to serve the needs of the Asylum Service. The department is also responsible for ensuring the complementarity and avoiding duplication of funding programs, in cooperation with the Procurement and Operational Support Department of the Ministry, aiming to the proper functioning of the Asylum Service. Another key responsibility is the monitoring of European Programs and Funding, reporting of potential issues and submitting of suggestions for updates and improvements, as well as the cooperation and immediate informing of the relevant Directorates-General for Administrative and Financial Services, in order to achieve the necessary real time coordination. Finally, it is the responsible department for the implementation of projects funded by European or other sources and the planning, managing and implementing of such programs at staff level, retaining the promotion of publicity projects over the work of the service and the organization and control of its communication and strategy and public relations in tandem with the Information and Communication Office of the Ministry.
The Department of Program Management and Implementation consists of: aa) The Planning and Evaluation Office bb) Actions / Acts Monitoring Office and cc) Actions / Acts Implementation Office
Supervisor: Kyriaki Flerianou
It is responsible for the organization, staffing, coordination and supervision of the Mobile Asylum Units, according to the instructions of the Governor.
Supervisor: Maria-Pelagia Bezazi
The Administrative Support and Protocol department has the competent authority of the administrative and secretarial support of the Asylum Service, the handling of the postal and mailing service, the protocol and file management, as well as the asset management. It is also responsible for the full operation of the Asylum Service premises, including real estate, as well as for submitting suggestions to the Procurement and Operational Support Directorate, concerning the supply of services and assets for the proper function of the Asylum Service premises and potential maintenance operations. It also has the competent authority for the safety and crowd management of all people entering the Service's premises, the security of buildings and facilities of the Service and the supervision of the competent personnel, as well as the coordination of the organizational units of the Service supporting the Human Resources and Administrative Organization of the Directorate General for Administrative and Financial Services of the Ministry.
Supervisor: Georgios Kellaris
The Department of Procedures and Training organizes the training (including the continuous in-service training) of the Asylum Service’s personnel, ensures the quality of the services provided by the Regional Asylum Offices and Asylum Units, and assesses the quality of the first instance international protection decisions. The Department also searches for, collects and evaluates information concerning the political, social and economic conditions prevailing in the countries of origin of the claimants for international protection and, with this object in mind, it cooperates with other competent Greek authorities as well as with overseas authorities, with European or international organizations, especially in the context of international agreements, and with similar authorities in other EU Member – States, as well as with the European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA). The Department ensures the quality of the international protection decisions which are issued throughout the course of the administrative procedure for the examination of international protection claims, and it maintains statistical and other information on the international protection decisions.
Supervisor: Maria Koutsoukou