Within the framework of the support provided to the Hellenic Asylum Service by the non-profit making Company “Solidarity Now”, the Organization undertakes to support the Asylum Service to continuously improve the quality of the asylum procedure at all stages. The support indicatively includes the provision of property or parts thereof, coverage of expenditure for renovations and repairs of buildings and the provision of material and technical equipment, for the housing of the Asylum Service’s services and the support of its operation.
Until today, the provision of technical equipment has initiated, with the purchase of computers, multifunctional printers and power cords/ extension cords Ethernet.

Following the close collaboration between the two organizations, UNHCR has undertaken the logistical support of the Asylum Service. More specifically, in the framework of the Regional Asylum Offices’ network in Greece, UNHCR has undertaken the purchase and the donation of both part of the IT equipment and the ISOBox that will host part of the asylum services in Samos.