The Greek Asylum Service is the 4th most productive in Europe among the 27 member states

The fourth most productive Asylum Service, compared to the respective Services of the 27 member states of the European Union, is the Greek Asylum Service, according to Eurostat.

The graph of the 3rd quarter of 2021 with the ten highest European Asylum Services in terms of final decisions, shows with a color mark the increase of the performance of the Greek Asylum Service compared to the 2nd quarter of 2021, which led to a significant, further reduction in the number of pending cases.

At the same time, with the increased productivity, the Greek Asylum Service conducts regular quality checks on the interviews and decisions of the 1st instance, in order to comply with the international quality standards as provided for in the European Directives.

*Changes compared to Q2 – 2021

Source: Eurostat Data (Last updated on 14.12.2021)

Note: 1.EU+ refers to the 27 European Union Member States, plus Norway and Switzerland.

2. Total number of decisions refers to total number of positive decisions plus negative decisions. Positive decisions refer to the sum of decisions granting refugee status, subsidiary protection status, authorization to stay for humanitarian reasons (for countries where applicable) and temporary protection. Total number of negative decisions refer to decisions considering applications as inadmissible or as unfounded and decisions under priority and accelerated procedures, taken by administrative or judicial bodies during the reference period.

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