Closed Controlled Access Center of Samos
- Zervou Area, 83100, Samos
- 213 138 3313 (Secretariat)
- 213 138 3300 (Director)
- 213 138 3301 (Deputy Director)

- Capacity and General Characteristics
Η νέα δομή φιλοξενίας υπηκόων τρίτων χωρών στη Σάμο έχει ωφέλιμο χώρο 154 στρεμμάτων και βρίσκεται στη θέση «Ζερβού» του Δήμου Ανατολικής Σάμου. Είναι δυναμικότητας 3.650 θέσεων φιλοξενίας, η οποία αναλύεται ως εξής:
- 1650 άτομα γενικός πληθυσμός
- 200 ασυνόδευτα ανήλικα
- 840 ευάλωτες ομάδες, μονογονεϊκές οικογένειες, γυναίκες
- 960 in Pre-removal detention Centers
The new closed controlled center includes all the modern technical and functional infrastructure that makes it a safe, controlled access facility, with upgraded living conditions for the accommodated population but also for the staff operating on site.
The construction work of the new closed controlled access center was assigned to the construction company MYTILINEOS SA, in October 2020, after an international open tender, in which all the major construction companies of the country participated.
The construction budget is about 43 million euros and is 100% funded by the Asylum, Migration & Integration Fund of the European Union.
- Safety
24/7 security
Η ΚΕΔ στη Σάμο φυλάσσεται από την Ελληνική Αστυνομία και από ιδιωτική εταιρεία φύλαξης όλο το 24ωρο με παρουσία τουλάχιστον πενήντα (50) ένστολων σε κάθε βάρδια
Security - control
The whole new closed controlled center is surrounded by a double NATO-type security fence, which in combination with the installation at the entrance of the necessary control systems, such as turnstiles, magnetic gates, x-rays, two-factor access control system (identity and fingerprint), ensures secure and controlled entry and exit from the access center to whoever is entitled to it.
Επιπλέον, σε όλη την έκταση της δομής έχει προβλεφθεί η εγκατάσταση Κλειστού Συστήματος Παρακολούθησης (CCTV), το οποίο χρησιμοποιεί «έξυπνο» λογισμικό με σκοπό να προειδοποιεί εγκαίρως για τυχόν έκτακτα συμβάντα, ενώ έχει τη δυνατότητα να δίνει ειδοποιήσεις και εικόνα στο Τοπικό Κέντρο Συμβάντων, στο Κέντρο Διαχείρισης Συμβάντων στην Αθήνα (Κτίριο ΚΕΡΑΝΗΣ) και στα Κέντρα Ελέγχου λοιπών εμπλεκόμενων φορέων (π.χ. Ελληνική Αστυνομία). Επίσης, περίφραξη καθώς και τουρνικέ με καρταναγνώστες έχουν τοποθετηθεί και στις διακριτές ενότητες της δομής για την προστασία των εργαζόμενων σε αυτές αλλά και των ευάλωτων ομάδων, όπως τα ασυνόδευτα παιδιά και οι μονογονεϊκές οικογένειες..
- Structure and Accomodation Spaces
Aiming to ensure the decent living conditions of the resident population and the proper implementation of the necessary reception and identification procedures, the new closed controlled access center of Samos was created with infrastructure that caters to all the needs of the residents.
In a nutshell, the innovative organized operation of the new closed controlled access center, that will guarantee the safe accommodation of the beneficiaries as well as the employees are:
The organization of the facility in neighborhoods / distinct areas.
Distinct accommodation / neighborhoods for vulnerable groups such as unaccompanied minors / single parent families, but also general population accommodation, new arrivals and quarantine area.
The following facilities and systems operate within the CCACS of Samos:
- Restaurant areas with additional use of common areas and places for distribution of non-food items
- Sports facilities
- Recreation areas – playgrounds
- Shared washing machines
- Shared kitchens
- Canteens
- Multiple areas of administration and housing of services such as doctor's offices, creative activity areas and office of psychosocial and legal services
- Green areas cover 25% of the total areas of the new closed controlled access center, while all interiors are air conditioned (both accommodation and administration areas)
- A system of recycling the irrigated water which is occurring from a third-degree water treatment of the wastewater, either in order to be used for toilets, or for the irrigation of the new closed controlled access center and the surrounding reforested areas
- Competent Fire extinguishing system
Στην ΚΕΔ Σάμου λειτουργεί στην Περιοχή Α’ Κέντρο Υποδοχής και Ταυτοποίησης ενώ στις λοιπές Περιοχές λειτουργούν Δομές Φιλοξενίας Γενικού Πληθυσμού, Μονογονεϊκών Οικογενειών, Ασυνόδευτων Ανηλίκων καθώς και ΠΡΟΚΕΚΑ (ΕΛ.ΑΣ.).
The accommodation areas are developed in 14,250 sq.m. and are divided into distinct zones, while consisting of 240 containers of 25 sq.m. each with a capacity of 4 people per house, 7 ground floor residential buildings of 500 sq.m. with a capacity of 120 people per building and 2 of 400 sq.m. each with a capacity of 120 people per building. The placement of asylum seekers will be based on ethnic and social criteria (families, people with mobility disabilities, serious health problems, pregnant women).
Στη δομή στη Σάμο επιπλέον, περιλαμβάνονται:
- Accommodation Pre-removal detention Center (8 ground floor residential buildings of 500 sq.m. each, with a total capacity of 960 people)
- Quarantine area covid-19 (37 containers of 25 sq.m. each)
- Sanitary facilities (4 containers and 3 ground floor buildings with a total space of 760 sq.m.),
- Administration spaces (39 containers and 18 ground floor buildings, with a total area of 3,600 sq.m.)
- Creative employment spaces (17 containers, total area 850 sq.m.)
- Computer room (1 container 50 sq.m.)
- Restaurants (8 ground floor buildings, total area 2,600 sq.m.)
- Food Distribution Areas (4 containers of 25 sq.m. each)
- NFIs distribution areas (6 containers of 25 sq.m. each)
- Store Areas (16 containers of 25 sq.m. each), which will be licensed either by the relevant Municipality or by the Ministry for Migration and Asylum
- Χώροι πλυντηρίων [οκτώ (8) οικίσκοι στους χώρους φιλοξενίας της ΚΕΔ και δύο (2) οικίσκοι πλυντηρίων στην Περιοχή Α’ – ΚΥΤ]
- Areas for cultural activities including spaces deisigned for worship
- Event areas (2 ground floor buildings, total area 250 sq.m.)
- 3 playgrounds
- 7 sports courts
- Parking spaces
- Technical Characteristics
All buildings are either metal constructions or prefabricated containers with complete hotel and office equipment.
An asphalt road has been constructed for the communication around the new closed controlled access center between the units.
All the necessary electromechanical systems for safe and uninterrupted operation of the new Closed Controlled Access Center have been installed, such as:
- Fire safety system with permanent water supply system, sprinklers, fire safety system
- Emergency power generators to ensure the power supply of the Closed Controlled Access Center
- Drinking water treatment system
- Energy saving with Heat Recovery Hot Water System with VRV type heat pumps
- Air conditioning, heating-cooling with VRV type heat pumps & split type
- Internet access via Wi-Fi indoors and outdoors
- Management and monitoring of operation of electromechanical equipment through BMS (Building Management System) automation system
- Use of LED luminaires for indoor and outdoor lighting
- Biological treatment of third-degree level wastewater
- Water saving by reusing the treated product of the biological treatment (gray water) in water tanks and irrigation
Εντός της Κλειστής Ελεγχόμενης Δομής Σάμου έχουν υλοποιηθεί γραφειακές υποδομές για περίπου 400 θέσεις εργασίας, που καλύπτουν τις ανάγκες του Υπουργείου Μετανάστευσης και Ασύλου, της Ελληνικής Αστυνομίας και των λοιπών εμπλεκόμενων φορέων.