
Directorate of Residence Permits

 The Residence Permits Directorate has as objectives to issue all types of residence permits and also to support the service of third-country nationals.

The following are the contact details of the Departments of the Directorate for the service of residence permit applications.

Dept. of Residence Permits of Third-Country Nationals

For information regarding service for applications of residence permits of Third-Country nationals:

For applications and appointments: 

  • Tel: (+30) 213-162-9041 

The Third Country Citizens Permit Department is responsible for:

  • the issuance, renewal or re-issuance of residence permits for all categories of third country nationals, as well as their family members, which fall under the competence of the Ministry, except those that are the responsibility of the Department of Residence Permits of Third Country Investors,
  •  the determination of the measures of voluntary departure for the categories of holders of residence permits that belong to the competence of the Ministry, as well as the issuance of decisions for the extension of the time of voluntary departure,
  • the suggestion for the issuance of decisions on requests for treatment against rejection or revocation decisions of the Ministry, in collaboration with the Department
    of Control of the Directorate of Migration Policy
  • the issuance of decisions for the imposition of fines defined in Law 4251/2014 and imposed by a decision of the Minister, for the categories of residence permits that fall under the competence of the Ministry,
  • the provision of opinions of the Administration during the trial in the first instance of the annulment disputes, which emanate from the application of the legislation on foreigners under the jurisdiction of the Ministry.
Dept. of Residence Permits for Investors Third-Country Nationals

For appointments regarding the submission of applications for residence permits of investors and members: 

  • telephone: (+30) 213-162-9039 

-To provide clarifications/information regarding applications that have been submitted to the Department of Investors of Third-Country Nationals:

  • tel: (+30) 213-162-9031

The Department of Residence Permits of Investors of Third Country Citizens is responsible for: 

  • the issuance, renewal, re-issuance or revocation of residence permits of investors, as well as their family members, under the responsibility of the Ministry,
  • the determination of the measures of voluntary departure for the categories of holders of residence permits of investors, as well as the issuance of decisions for the extension of the time of voluntary departure,
  • the proposal for the issuance of decisions on requests for treatment against rejection or revocation decisions of the Ministry in collaboration with the Control Department of the Directorate of Migration Policy,
  • the issuance of decisions for the imposition of fines defined in Law 4251/2014 and imposed by a decision of the Minister, for the categories of residence permits that fall under the competence of the Ministry,
  • the provision of opinions of the Administration during the trial in the first instance of the annulment disputes, which emanate from the application of the legislation on foreigners under the jurisdiction of the Ministry.
Dept. of Service of Third-Country Nationals

For information regarding service for applications of residence permits of Third-Country nationals:

  • E-mail:

For applications and appointments: 

  • Tel: (+30) 213-162-9041 

The Department of Service of Third-Country Nationals is responsible for: 

  • the secretarial support, as well as the organization, classification and keeping of the file of the Directorates of the General Directorate of Migration Policy, 
  • the control of the supporting documents and the receipt of applications for the issuance, renewal or re-issuance of residence permits or other documents of legal residence of all categories belonging to the Ministry's competence,
  • the commitment in favor of the State of the fees and charges, as provisioned by the law, which are issued in the form of electronic payment,
  • the collection of biometric data (digital photograph and fingerprints) and digital signature, as well as other required documents in physical and digital form, as the case may be, for the issuance of residence permits in the form of a stand-alone document,
  • the monitoring of the deadlines provided in par. 4 of article 1 of law 4018/20 with the temporary impossibility of receiving the biometric data of the requesting citizens of third countries and sending the relevant correspondence,
  • receipt of requests for treatment and requests for extension of voluntary departure time,
  • the service of residence permits in the form of a stand-alone document, after a check of identity and proper functioning of the card, as well as the service of decisions on applications for a residence permit, as well as on applications for treatment and requests for extension of voluntary departure
  • monitoring the needs, ensuring the timely submission of requests for procurement, receipt and safe storage and management, including the process of distributing to the Decentralized Administration services the blank forms of application certificates and any other form as a secure document granted to third-country nationals under the Immigration Code
  • providing information regarding the procedures, supporting documents and conditions provided by law for the issuance or renewal of residence permits,
  • providing information on the progress of case files.


Directorate of Migration Policy

The Directorate of Migration Policy has as objectives: the design and implementation of immigration policy and the management of issues related to legal entry and residence of third-country nationals in the Greek territory, the coordination and the supervision of the competent services of the Decentralized Administrations of the Country, the assurance of the integrity, as well as the operation and the management of the issues of the single point of contact (Single Point of Contact - SPOC).

Department of Institutional Operation

The Department of Institutional Operation is responsible for:

  • the preparation and creation of the necessary plans for legislative and in general regulatory texts and circulars that refer to the entry and residence of third country nationals in Greece, as well as those concerning the harmonization of Greek legislation with EU law, in cooperation with the Legal and Parliamentary Affairs Office of the Coordination Office,
  • the monitoring and participating in the design of policy and legislation on legal immigration, at European and international level, and the submission of relevant suggestions and proposals to the Directorate for European and International Cooperation,
  • the preparation of representation in international and European organizations for issues of legal immigration in cooperation with the Directorate of European and International Cooperation of the Ministry,
  • the cooperation with the Directorate of European and International Cooperation of the Ministry for the elaboration of bilateral and multilateral conventions and agreements on issues of legal migration,
  • the participation and representation for issues of integration and monitoring of the application of the EU law for issues of legal immigration in the Greek legal order in cooperation with the Directorate of European and International Cooperation,
  •  the preparation and promotion of expedited contracts between the Ministry and higher education institutions of the country based on article 37 of law 4251/2014, in cooperation with the Directorate of Residence Permits, the coordination of foreign and immigration services of the Decentralized Administrations of the country uniform application of immigration legislation,
  • undertaking actions to inform public or private bodies inside and outside Greece about the existing national immigration legislation and its implementation in cooperation with the Directorate for European and International Cooperation,
  • co-operation and co-ordination with co-competent bodies on issues related to the formulation and implementation of policies in the field of legal immigration in co-operation with the Directorate for European and International Cooperation,
  • the provision for supplying and updating the website of the Directorate and the Ministry of Migration & Asylum in cooperation with the Website Support Department with relevant information material related to the migration policy, as well as the websites of European Union Bodies and other international or regional or multilateral organizations,
  • determining the type and content of (a) residence permits in accordance with national and EU law, (b) applications for a residence permit and (c) the relevant certificates
  • the proposal for the subsidy of Ministries, Decentralized Administrations, Public Entities and local government organizations in accordance with the provisions of article 2 of law 4018/2011 (AD 215),
  • the submission of proposals for the participation of the Directorate in European and international programs on immigration issues and the monitoring of their object, in cooperation with the Directorate for European and International Cooperation
  • the provision, upon request, of statistical data for the response to requests to Ministries, public bodies, private bodies, international, European or regional or intergovernmental organizations or bodies or citizens in collaboration with the Directorate of Residence Permits, the Department of Studies and Analysis of the Service the Directorate for European and International Cooperation
  • the collection and submission of data to the Legal and Parliamentary Affairs Office of the Coordination Service on parliamentary immigration control issues.
Department of Single Contact Point and Electronic Certification Authority

The Department of Single Contact Point and Electronic Certification Authority is responsible for:

  • the maintenance of a public key infrastructure for the independent document of the electronic residence permit of third country nationals,
  • ensuring secure communication and data transfer to the electronic residence permit issuer
  • ensuring the interconnection and interoperability with other services for the exchange of electronic data
  • τη λειτουργία του Ενιαίου Σημείου Επαφής (Single Point of Contact – SPOC) για την ηλεκτρονική επιβεβαίωση των ελέγχων πρόσβασης στο αυτοτελές έγγραφο της ηλεκτρονικής άδειας διαμονής πολιτών τρίτων χωρών και τα ταξιδιωτικά έγγραφα των Ελλήνων πολιτών,
  • the operation of the Electronic Authority for Certification of electronic residence permits of third-country nationals,
  • the determination of the necessary implementations of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and data for the fulfillment of the mission of the Directorate in cooperation with the General Directorate of Informatics and Communications,
  • the design and central operation of the Immigration Information Systems and the Register of Foreigners in collaboration with the General Directorate of Informatics and Communications
  • supporting the proper reception and transmission of biometric data and the maintenance of their collection software,
  • monitoring the safe storage of fingerprints and other biometric data and proposing appropriate action
  • comparing and verifying the coincidence of characteristic biometric data.
Department of Quality Assurance of Biometric Data

The Department of Quality Assurance of Biometric Data is responsible for:

  • monitoring the progress of electronic payments of the Integrated Information System (IIS) of Immigration,
  • the control of the completeness and the correct registration of the Biometric Data in the OPS Immigration,
  •  checking the quality standards of the photograph and the sample of the signature submitted for the issuance of an electronic residence permit,
  • the processing and management of statistical data for the needs of the services of the Directorate-General for Immigration Policy, as well as the cooperation with the National Statistical Authority on issues related to national or European statistics in the area of ​​responsibility of the Directorate-General for Immigration Policy, in cooperation with the Department Studies and Analyzes of the Coordination Service and the Directorate of European and International Cooperation,
  • the general administrative and operational support of the users of OPS Immigration, both at the level of the users of the Residence Permit Directorate, as well as the users of the foreigners and immigration services of the Decentralized Administrations of the Country,
  • the administrative process of authentication and granting of functional rights of access and use of the OPS Immigration for the users of the system, both of the Directorate of Residence Permits, and of the foreigners and immigration services of the Decentralized Administrations of the Country
  • the approval of the granting of a special digital signature to the users of OPS Immigration upon the recommendation of the Directorate of Residence Permits or the competent service of foreigners and immigration of the Decentralized Administrations of the Country
Department of Audit

The Department of Control is responsible for:

  • monitoring the implementation of the legislation in force regarding the residence of foreigners, conducting checks and certifying infringements for the entry and residence of third-country nationals in the Greek territory, as defined in par. 2 of article 135 of law 4251/2014, as in force,
  • to carry out audits, in order to ensure the faithful application of the legislation on issues related to the legal residence in Greece of third country nationals, the detection of the circumvention of the above legislation and the suggestion for the imposition of the provisioned sanctions
  • the collection and supply in the office of N.S.K. of the Ministry of all the data and proposals for the handling of court cases that fall under the responsibilities of the Directorate of Immigration Policy during the adjudication, in the first instance, of the annulment disputes, which arise in application of the legislation on foreigners, according to par. 8 of article 25 of law 4251/2014,
  • the submission of a written request to the Legal Council of the State for the representation of the Administration by a member of the Legal Council of the State in all cases where reasons are raised regarding issues of opposition to the provisions of the Constitution or in cases of particular seriousness or wider interest. on par. 8 of article 25 of law 4251/2014.


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