From 6.41%, in March 2021, the population now living in the islands of the North Aegean has dropped to 1.13% - 0.25% of the country’s total population, are the residents in the accommodation centers, KYT and the apartments of ESTIA   

N. Mitarachi: "All regions of the country are well below the 1% threshold we had set as Government in 2019. Soon the North Aegean will follow" 

Reduction by 78% compared to March 2021, is noticed in the total number of residents on the islands in March 2022. The largest decrease is recorded among residents in Samos, which is of 90%, followed by Chios with 80%, Lesvos with 78%, Leros with 72%, and Kos with 23%.   

It is worth noting the significant decongestion in the islands of the North Aegean as the refugees now constitute 1.13% of the population (2011 census) while in the corresponding month of 2021, constituted 6.41%.  

More specifically, the refugees of the islands in March 2022 were 3,005. Of these, 2,731 (91%) reside in KYT, 0 in other accommodation centers and 8 in the ESTIA program, the remaining 266 (9%) reside: 90 in P.S. and the PROKEKA of ELAS, 176 in the Centers of EKKA.  

Specifically, in March 2022, 2,731 people lived in the KYT of Kos (370), Lesvos (1622), Samos (313), Chios (318) and Leros. A significant decrease of 74% is recorded in Mavrovouni, where in March 2021 6,326 people lived, while in March 2022 they were 1,622. 

The number of refugees in the islands in March 2022, shows a decrease of 46% compared to March 2021. The total number of refugees in the country, in March 2022 is reduced by 54% compared to March 2021. It is emphasized that in the whole territory the refugees in the accommodation centers, in the KYT and in the apartments of ESTIA constitute an average 0.25% of the population according to the census of 2011. In all the regions of the country it is below 0.29% with the exception of the Regions of the North Aegean (1.13%), Central Greece (0.65%) and Epirus (0.48%).  

The refugees of the islands in the month of March 2022, constitute 10% of the total number in the whole country, while the refugees of the Inland constitute 90% of the total number in the whole country. The corresponding percentage in March 2021, ranged at 22% for the islands and 78% for the Inland.  

More specifically, in March 2022, 2,731 people lived in the KYT of Kos (370), Lesvos (1622), Samos (313), Chios (318) and Leros. A significant decrease of 74% is recorded in Mavrovouni, where in March 2021 6,326 people lived, while in March 2022 it was 1,622. 

According to the March newsletter, arrival flows in the first quarter of 2022 are increased by 17% in the islands and by 19% in total, compared to the first quarter of 2021.    

After systematic efforts, in the 3rd month of 2022, 756 people left for either Europe or third countries through the mechanisms of deportation, return and relocation of third country nationals, while 968 people arrived in our country.    

In March 2022, a total of 27,396 asylum seekers resided in all the accommodation centers managed or supervised by the Ministry of Migration and Asylum, while now, in March 2021, are 59,212. 

The pending cases of the Asylum Service and the Appeals Authority (in A 'and B' degree) record a decrease of 50%. The pending applications in A and B grade reach a total of 34,020 when in March 2021 it was 68,262.  

In total, the residence permits of Third Country Citizens in force in March 2022 amount to 669,497 increased by 34.3% compared to March 2021 and decreased by 1.1% compared to February 2022. (The large increase of the Strong March 2022 licenses in relation to March 2021 is also due to the automatic extension of licenses given due to the pandemic).   

The top three countries of origin of third-country nationals with valid residence permits are Albania with 62.6%, Georgia with 4.4%, followed by China with 4%.   

Of the 48,746 applications for residence permits submitted between March 2021 and March 2022, a total of 39% has been issued, corresponding to 19,195 initial residence permits.   

A total of 222,196 applications (granting and renewal) have been submitted between March 2021 and March 2022, of which 35.5% have been licensed, 1.8% rejected, while 62.7% are pending.  

Regarding the permanent investor residence permit (Golden Visa), the total permanent investor residence permits (initial and renewals) valid in March 2022 amount to 11,049. 9,812 (90%) are for initial permits and 1,237 (10%) are for renewals. The main country of origin of investors in our country are Chinese nationals, at a rate of 65.4%, followed by much smaller figures Turkish nationals 6.4% and Russian 6.2%.   

Of the 2,372 initial residence permit applications submitted between March 2021 and March 2022, 46% have been issued, corresponding to 1,080 initial investor residence permits issued. (Respectively, for the members of the investor family, 4,049 initial applications were submitted, and 2,062 licenses were issued - a percentage of 51%).  

From the 717 applications submitted for renewal of residence permit in the period March 2021 - March 2022, a total of 40% has been renewed, which corresponds to 290 renewals of residence permits. (Respectively, 1,184 renewal applications were submitted for investor family members and 573 licenses were renewed - 48%).  

Due to the developments in Ukraine, the Ministry of Migration and Asylum includes in the monthly Report and a special section on the displaced Ukrainians.     

In March 2022 we had 14,630 arrivals of Ukrainians. 31.48% concern minors, 22.06% come from the age group 18-34 years and 46.46% from the age group 35+ years. Thus, we had 4,605 arrivals of minors (31%) and 10,025 arrivals of adults (69%).    

The total arrivals from the air border were 2,185 (15%) while from the land 12,445 (85%).  

Μέχρι 31/03/2022 έχουν κατατεθεί 6.933 Ηλεκτρονικές Αιτήσεις Προκαταγραφής για παροχή προσωρινής Προστασίας σε εκτοπισμένους Πολίτες από την Ουκρανία. Το 57% των αιτήσεων   προκαταγραφής έχει κατατεθεί για το  ΠΓΑ  Αττικής, το 31% για το  ΠΓΑ Θεσσαλονίκης, 6% για το  ΠΓΑ  Δυτικής Ελλάδας και επίσης το 6% για  ΠΓΑ Κρήτης.  

The Minister of Migration and Asylum Mr. Notis Mitarachi made the following statement:

"The strict but fair migration policy that we apply consistently, has allowed us, today, to form a very different map in migration.  

A map, on which all the regions of the country are moving well below the 1% limit that we had set as a government in 2019. Soon the North Aegean will follow.  

The substantial decongestion of the islands, the mainland and the large urban centers continues.  

Now we are leaving the migration crisis behind us for good."  


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