Notis Mitarachi: “Greece achieves the goals it has set, but cannot do it alone. Migration concerns the whole of Europe, it has multiple fronts, it needs practical solidarity between the EU member states and a fair sharing of the consequences."

In 1.45% of the general population from 7.73% in November 2020 the residents of the islands of the North Aegean - 37,951 the total number of residents in the whole the country from 71,247 last November

A decrease of 78% in the number of residents on the islands is recorded in November 2021, compared to November 2020. The largest decrease is depicted in the residents of Leros which reaches 92%, followed by Chios with 90%, Samos with 88%, Lesvos with 74%, and Kos with 41%. It is worth noting the significant decongestion in the islands of the North Aegean as the residents now are the 1.45% of the population while on the same month of 2020 they were 7.73%.

More specifically, the number of people living on the islands in November 2021 is  3795. Out of them, 3,501 live in Reception Centers for Identification and 13 in other hosting facilities, the remaining 281 live, 93 in AT and PROKEKA of Greek Police, 188 in the facilities of EKKA.

The total number of residents in the mainland in November 2021 is also reduced by 57% compared to November 2020. 

According to November’s newsletter, arrivals flows during the first eleven months of 2021 are reduced by 62% on the islands and by 44% in total, compared to the first eleven months of 2020. 

After systematic efforts, in the first eleven months of 2021, 10,623 people left for either Europe or third countries through the mechanisms of expulsion, return and relocation of third-country nationals, while 8,031 people arrived in our country, with the balance of departures / arrivals remaining positive. 

In November 2020, a total of 69.484 asylum seekers resided in all camps managed or supervised by the Ministry of Migration and Asylum, while now, in November 2021, are 35.182.

The pending cases of the Asylum Service and the Appeals Authority (in A and B grade) record a decrease of 52%. The pending applications in A and B grade reach a total of 42. 1 70 when in November 2020 it was 83.304.

Regarding legal migration, the residence permits of Third Country Citizens in force in November 2021 were 686,535 increased by 33.8% compared to November 2020 and increased by 0.8% compared to October 2021. (The large increase of the Strong Licenses November 2021 compared to November 2020 is also due to the extension of the licenses given due to the pandemic). The top three countries of origin of third-country nationals with valid residence permits are Albania with 62.9%, Georgia with 4.4%, followed by China with 3.9%.

Of the 38.602 residence permit applications submitted between November 2020 and November 2021, a total of 35%, corresponding to 13.700 initial residence permits, have been issued.

From the 66.345 applications submitted for renewal of residence permit in the period November 2020 - November 2021, a total of 62% have been renewed, which corresponds to 40.846 renewals of residence permits.

Regarding the permanent investor residence permit (Golden Visa), the total permanent investor residence permits valid in November 2021 they were 10,609. 9,473 (89%) were for initial loans and 1,136 (11%) for renewals. (The big difference in percentages is due to the extension of the permits given due to the pandemic).

The main country of origin of investors in our country are the citizens of China, at a rate of 67.2%, followed by the citizens of Turkey (6.4%) and Russia (6.1%).

The Minister of Migration and Asylum Mr. Notis Mitarachi, stated:

"At a time when migration remains a key issue throughout Europe, with multiple consequences, in Greece we have regained full control and are now showing positive results in all aspects. In addition to the flows that remain steadily reduced, decongestion is a fact in the islands of the North Aegean and throughout Greece. The camps are now 34 out of 121, the number of residents less than 38,000, when last November it was about 72,000 and the day of the elections, two and a half years ago, more than 82,000, while the pending asylum decisions are less than 42,000, when last year in the corresponding month was about 88,000. Our country's goal is, together with the visible results of our policy, to have practical solidarity between the EU member states and a fair distribution of the consequences. Greece is achieving its goals, but it cannot do it alone." 

Νοέμβριος 2021_υμα Gr Ενημερωτικό Διεθνη Προστασια by Hellenic Ministry of Migration and Asylum on Scribd

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