New "appointment booking" platform for subsequent applications launched by the Asylum Service

Beginning August 22 (Monday), applicants of international protection whose initial application for international protection has received a final rejection, can book an appointment through the electronic platform “Subsequent Application Registration Appointment” in order to submit a Subsequent Application of international protection. More specifically, the electronic platform addresses only third-country nationals whose initial application for international protection in Greece has been rejected and who now wish to submit a new application.

The platform is available in the following languages, with the potential in the future upon need, to be further translated into more languages: English, Arabic, Bengali, Farsi, Kurmanji, Dari, Pasto, Albanian (shqip), Turkish, Urdu, Georgian.

The platform is available through the following link :

Please come to your appointment at least 30 minutes earlier in order to ensure the best possible service is provided. Please make sure you have with you at your scheduled appointment all your personal identification documents.

With the launch of this new platform, the Skype Service will no longer operate.

Further, we would like to inform you that third-country nationals who have never visited the Asylum Service offices up to now and have never submitted an application for international protection up to now, have the option to submit an application for international protection in the Reception and Identification Centers of Malakasa or Diavata, by following the procedure that is described in the electronic platform “Initial application registration appointment” available through this link:

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Viber Community

 Viber Community for Issues of Migration and Asylum

The Ministry of Migration and asylum has created a Viber Community in order to provide accurate and timely information regarding issues of migration and asylum. Please click on the following link, or scan the QR code in order to connect: