Residence documents for Third Country nationals family members of E.U. citizens

Directive 2004/38/EC - Presidential Decree 106/2007

Third-country nationals who are family members of an EU citizen must submit an application for a residence document within 3 months of arrival. The application is submitted to the immigration authority of their place of residence


Standard supporting documents for residence documents

  • Application Form
  • Four (4) recent printed digital passport photos, also stored in digital form (CD) jpeg2000, with certain specificications applied.
  • A fee of €16 amounting to the printing of the stand-alone document.
  • A certified copy of a valid passport or any other travel document recognised by the authorities
  • A residence card for an EU citizen family member or an Entry Schengen visa of short-term stay (C category), where required

1. Δελτίο Διαμονής σε σύζυγο ή σύντροφο πολίτη άλλου κράτους – μέλους της Ε.Ε. –

Initial granting 

  • A copy of the registration certificate or the official document certifying permanent residence of the Union citizen, whom they accompany or are about to meet
  • A copy of a marriage certificate or certificate of registered partnership or equivalent document attesting to the spouse relationship, which should be issued by the competent authority as laid down by national legislation of the member state or a marriage certificate issued by a Greek public authority in case of marriage celebration or a registered partnership certificate issued by a Greek public authority.
  • A family status certificate in case of a registered partnership contracted in Greece, in accordance with Law 4356/15.

1.1 Renewal of a Residence Card in the event of not acquiring the right of permanent residence for reasons of absence of the spouses or partners or dissolution of the marriage.

  • A copy of a document certifying the permanent residence of the EU citizen
  • A solemn declaration that there has been no change in the family status.
  • A copy of all the pages of the passport.
  • A solemn declaration of the EU citizen on the existence of family ties or

A copy of the application for divorce attesting to a duration of at least three years for the marriage, one of which in Greece or

  • A copy of the rental contract which should make clear that, prior to the termination of cohabitation, the marriage had lasted for at least three years, one of which in Greece or
  • Evidence of the availability of resources the volume of which is determined by the joint ministerial decision as provided for in Article 136 par. 7 of Law 4251/2014, by a common ministerial decision

2. Δελτίο διαμονής των κατιόντων σε ευθεία γραμμή  πολίτη  άλλου κράτους – μέλους της Ε.Ε. ή του ετέρου των συζύγων ή των συντρόφων συμπεριλαμβανομένων των υιοθετημένων τέκνων αυτών – Αρχική χορήγηση

  • A copy of a document certifying the permanent residence of the EU citizen
  • A copy of a marriage certificate or certificate of registered partnership or equivalent document attesting to the spouse relationship, which should be issued by the competent authority as laid down by national legislation of the member state or a marriage certificate issued by a Greek public authority in case of marriage celebration or a registered partnership certificate issued by a Greek public authority.
  • A birth certificate or other official document attesting to the existence of a family relationship.
  • An official document of a foreign authority, which certifies that they are entitled to the option of residence in Greece provided that it does not concern children of either spouses or adult descendants (eg. foreign court ruling, a written agreement of the parents or spouses on the allocation of children’s custody which has a legal form etc.)
  • An adoption certificate, where appropriate.
  • A solemn declaration of another EU Member-State citizen attesting to the cohabitation and of the fact that this citizen shall bear the cost of maintenance and subsistence expenses in Greece of the direct relatives in the descending line.
  • In case of an adult over the age of 21st documented evidence of material dependence on the Union citizen or the other spouse or partner in Greece or in the foreign country and a solemn declaration of the sponsor that they are still supported. The evidence may be in the form of a document granted by the competent authority of the country of origin or the country of habitual residence, which attests to the fact that this family member is supported by the Union citizen or the other spouse or partner or lived under the same roof in that country or where serious health ground strictly require the personal care of the family member by the Union citizen or the other spouse or partner.

2. 1 Renewal of Residence Card of direct relatives in the descending line of another EU Member State citizen or of the other spouse or partner, including their adopted children in case the right of permanent residence is not enshrined for reasons of absence

  • A copy of a document certifying the permanent residence of the EU citizen
  • • A solemn declaration of another EU Member State citizen attesting that they live under the same roof and that the citizen shall bear the cost of their maintenance and subsistence expenses of the in Greece, if the direct relatives in the descending line are under the age of 21st and a recent certificate of family status or other official document attesting to the existence of a family relationship.
  • A certified copy of all the pages of the passport.

3. Δελτίο διαμονής των απευθείας ανιόντων  πολίτη άλλου κράτους – μέλους της Ε.Ε ή του ετέρου των συζύγων ή των συντρόφων –  Αρχική χορήγηση

  • A copy of a document certifying the permanent residence of the EU citizen
  • A copy of a marriage certificate or certificate of registered partnership or equivalent document attesting to the spouse relationship, which should be issued by the competent authority as laid down by national legislation of the member state or a marriage certificate issued by a Greek public authority in case of marriage celebration or a registered partnership certificate issued by a Greek public authority.
  • a birth certificate of the EU citizen or the other spouse or partner or other formal document attesting to the existence of a family relationship.
  • A document certifying that an application has been submitted to an insurance agency to cover the costs of hospital and healthcare treatment.
  • Documented evidence of material dependence on the Union citizen or the other spouse or partner in Greece or in the foreign country and a solemn declaration of the sponsor that they are still supported. The evidence may be in the form of a document granted by the competent authority of the country of origin or the country of habitual residence, which attests to the fact that this family member is supported by the Union citizen or the other spouse or partner, or lived under the same roof in that country or where serious health grounds strictly require the personal care of the family member by the Union citizen or the other spouse or partner.

3.1 Renewal of Residence Card of direct relatives in the ascending line of another EU Member State citizen or of the other spouse or partner, in case the right of permanent residence is not enshrined for reasons of absence

  • A copy of a document certifying the permanent residence of the EU citizen
  • A certificate issued by an insurance agency with the costs of hospital and healthcare treatment.
  • A certified copy of all the pages of the passport.
  • A recent certificate of family status or other official document attesting to the existence of a family relationship.

 Δελτίο διαμονής  – Αρχική χορήγηση

  • A copy of the valid residence card.
  • A copy of a tax statement or other documentary evidence on the existence of resources.
  • A death certificate in case the family members lived in Greece for a year prior to the death of the EU citizen or
  • A death certificate and certificate of registration to an educational establishment or
  • A solemn declaration of the spouse or the partner that the citizen of another EU Member State has departed from the country and a registration certificate from an educational establishment or
  • A divorce judgement or certificate attesting to the dissolution of the registered partnership in case the marriage or the registered partnership lasted for at least three years, one of which in Greece or
  • A divorce judgement or dissolution of the registered partnership and judicial decision awarding custody of the child in case custody has been assigned to the spouse or the partner who is a third-country national or
  • A copy of the complaint submitted to the competent Greek authority in case of domestic violence or
  • Any other evidence attesting to the existence of particularly difficult conditions or judicial decision or
  • A written agreement of the spouses or partners or judicial decision on the regulation of access rights of the other spouse or partner who is a third-country national with their minor child in Greece.

Δελτίο μόνιμης διαμονής σε πολίτη  τρίτης χώρας, μέλος οικογένειας  πολίτη άλλου κράτους – μέλους της Ένωσης ή δικαιούχου προσωποπαγούς δικαιώματος διαμονής

  • A copy of the valid residence card.
  • A certified copy of all the pages of the passport.

1.1  Δελτίο μόνιμης διαμονής σε πολίτη τρίτης χώρας μέλος οικογένειας πολίτη άλλου κράτους – μέλους της Ένωσης  – Παρεκκλίσεις

  • A copy of the valid residence card.
  • A copy of a document certifying the permanent residence of the EU citizen
  • A recent certificate of family status or other official document attesting to the existence of a family relationship.
  • In the event of the death of an EU citizen, a certificate from the competent authority for the period of stay in Greece or a certificate issued by the competent authority that the death of the citizen is the result of an accident at work or occupational disease.

1. Άδεια Διαμονής, σε κάθε άλλο μέλος της οικογένειας του πολίτη της Ένωσης, εφόσον συντηρείται από τον πολίτη της Ένωσης ή ζούσε υπό τη στέγη του στη χώρα προέλευσης  ή εφόσον σοβαροί λόγοι υγείας καθιστούν αναγκαία την φροντίδα του από τον πολίτη της Ένωσης ή συντηρεί τον έχοντα δικαίωμα διαμονής πολίτη της Ένωσης. Αρχική χορήγηση:

  • A copy of the registration certificate or the document certifying the permanent residence of the EU citizen.
  • A recent certificate of family status or other official document attesting to the existence of a family relationship with the EU citizen.
  • Documented evidence of material dependence of the applicant on the Union citizen in Greece or in the foreign country and a solemn declaration of the dependent members that they are still supported by the sponsor. The evidence may be in the form of a document granted by the competent authority of the country of origin or the country of habitual residence, which attests to the fact that this family member is supported by the Union citizen or lived under the same roof in the country of origin or where serious health ground strictly require the personal care of the family member by the Union citizen or
  • Documented evidence of material dependence of the Union citizen who has the right of residence in Greece and a solemn declaration of the Union citizen attesting to the fact that the Union citizen is still supported by the applicant. The evidence may be in the form of a document granted by the competent authority of the country of origin or the country of habitual residence, which attests to the fact that this family member supports the Union citizen or that the Union citizen lived under the same roof in the country of origin or
  • A recent medical certificate or other official document which attests to the serious health grounds strictly require the personal care of the applicant by the Union citizen.

1.1 Renewal of Residence Permit, for any family member of the EU citizen, on condition that this member is supported by the Union citizen or lived under the same roof in the country of origin or where serious health grounds strictly require the personal care of the family member by the Union citizen or the member supports the EU citizen with the right of residence

  • A copy of the registration certificate of the Union citizen.
  • A certificate issued by an insurance agency with the costs of hospital and healthcare treatment.
  • A certified copy of all the pages of the passport.
  • A recent certificate of family status or other official document attesting to the existence of a family relationship.
  • Documented evidence of material dependence of the applicant on the Union citizen in Greece or in the foreign country and a solemn declaration of the dependent members that they are still supported by the sponsor. The evidence may be in the form of a document granted by the competent authority of the country of origin or the country of habitual residence, which attests to the fact that this family member is supported by the Union citizen or lived under the same roof in the country of origin or where serious health ground strictly require the personal care of the family member by the Union citizen or
  • Documented evidence of material dependence of the Union citizen who has the right of residence in Greece and a solemn declaration of the Union citizen attesting to the fact that the Union citizen is still supported by the applicant. The evidence may be in the form of a document granted by the competent authority of the country of origin or the country of habitual residence, which attests to the fact that this family member supports the Union citizen or that the Union citizen lived under the same roof in the country of origin or
  • A recent medical certificate or other official document which attests to the serious health grounds strictly require the personal care of the applicant by the Union citizen.

2. Άδεια διαμονής στον/στην σύντροφο, με τον οποίο ο πολίτης της Ένωσης έχει σταθερή σχέση, προσηκόντως αποδεδειγμένη- Αρχική χορήγηση:

  • A copy of the registration certificate or the document certifying permanent residence of the EU citizen in the country, as well as solemn declaration attesting to the stable relationship with the applicant.

• A document which proves that an application has been submitted to the relevant insurance body, for the purpose of covering hospital, healthcare treatment or accident at work or an insurance policy from a private insurance body which shall cover all health and safety risks and the size of the benefits financed, as defined in the decision issued by delegation of the provisions of Article 136 par. 3 of Law 4251/2014.

  • The house rental contract or other documents attesting to the joint residence and the stable relationship of the EU citizen with the partner.
  • A copy of the birth certificate of the child of both the applicant and the EU citizen or a certificate of adoption or
  • Other documents attesting to long-term legal, social or financial commitments of the applicant and the Union citizen.

2.1 Renewal of Residence Permit for the partner of the EU citizen that has a long-term relationship duly attested

  • A copy of the registration certificate or the document certifying permanent residence of the EU citizen as well as a solemn declaration that he or she maintains a steady relationship with the applicant.

• A copy of a health booklet issued by the relevant insurance body, as provided by the legislation in force, or an insurance policy from a private insurance body which shall cover all health and safety risks and the size of the benefits financed, as defined in the decision issued by delegation of the provisions of Article 136 par. 3 of Law 4251/2014.

  • A residence rental contract or other documents attesting to the common residence of the Union citizen with the partner with which the Union citizen has a stable relationship.
  • A copy of the birth certificate of the child of both the applicant and the EU citizen or a certificate of adoption or
  • Other documents attesting to long-term legal, social or financial commitments of the applicant and the Union citizen.
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