R.I.S. Funding Programs

The Reception and Identification Service is being funded by the the National AMIF and ISF Programs as well as by the the EEA Grants 2014-2021 (Program GR-G).
Internal Security Fund (ISF)

Integrated Electronic and physical security information management system with cybersecurity provisions for the protection of human life, assets and operations of third country National Reception και Accommodation Facilities
National Program, “Internal Security Fund 2014-2020
- Reception and Identification Service
- With a contribution of 75% / 25% from the European Union and the National Part of the Public Investments Program
In the context of the implementation of the Action entitled: "Integrated Electronic and physical security information management system with cybersecurity provisions for the protection of human life, assets and operations of third country National Reception και Accommodation FacilitiesΤhe Reception and Identification Service (RIS) consists the beneficiary of the Project.
The Project is co-funded by the National Program of "Internal Security Fund 2014-2020" and the National Part of the Public Investments Program with an allocation of 75% and 25% in accordance with the respective decision and its amendment for the inclusion of the action in the National Public Investments Program.
The budget of the programin accordance with its amendment is amounted to 10.728.651,95 €.
The duration of the program in accordance with the amendment of the program time-framework is thirty-six (36) months, with the starting date, defined to be the 04th January 2021 and the Project will be completed on the 31st December 2023.
Design, implementation and operation of Telecom Infrastructures in the temporary facilities of first reception for immigrants and refugees
National Program, “Internal Security Fund 2014-2020
- With a contribution of 75% / 25% from the European Union and the National Part of the Public Investments Program
In the context of the implementation of the Action entitled: "Design, implementation and operation of Telecom Infrastructures in the temporary facilities of first reception for immigrants and refugees" the Reception and Identification Service (RIS) consists the beneficiary
of the Project. The Project is funded by the National Program of "Internal Security Fund 2014-2020" and the National Part of the Public Investments Program with an allocation of 75% and 25% in accordance with the respective decision and its amendment for the inclusion of the action in the National Public Investments Program. following the amendment of the Funding Agreement 2094/Φ.ΠΡ.045 on 14/10/2020
The total budget of the program is amounted to 4.328.901,08 €.
The duration of the program in accordance with the amendment of the program time-framework is thirty-seven (37) months, with the starting date, defined to be the 30th November 2020 and the Project will be completed on the 31st December 2023.
Establishment of the National Passenger Information Unit (PIU) for the development of PNR (Passenger Name Record) System
Τhe Reception and Identification Service (RIS) consists the beneficiary of the Project.
The Project is co-funded by the National Program of "Internal Security Fund 2014-2020" and the National Resources with an allocation of 75% and 25% in accordance with the respective decision for the inclusion of the action in the National Public Investments Program.
The total budget of the program is amounted to 6.162.044,45 €.
The duration of the program is twenty-nine (29) months, with the starting date, defined to be the 13th August 2020 and the Project will be completed on the 31st December 2022
Support of Reception and Identification Service, including Reception and Identification Centers (RIC) with workforce
Budget: 17.875,418 €
Act description: Employment of fixed term contractors in RICs and in the Central Service of RIS, aiming to support the proper operation and everyday needs of the Central and the Regional Services, and consequently support the effective management of migration flows.
Support of the Reception and Identification Service, through the development of its workforce
Budget: 4.736.524€
Act description: Employment of fixed term contractors in the Central Service, as well as the regional services of RIS, aiming to support the proper operation and everyday needs of the Central and the Regional Services, and consequently the effective management of migration flows.
Provision of Interpretation Services for the needs of the Reception and Identification Service of the Ministry of Immigration Policy
Budget: 11.402.000 €
Act description: Employment of 100 interpreters in six RICs and in the areas of Athens and Thessaloniki, aiming to effectively carry out the reception and identification procedures of third country nationals or stateless persons, who enter the country without legal formalities.
Asylum and Migration Internal Fund (AMIF)

Relocation of third country nationals and their children from the islands of the Eastern Aegean and Evros to the mainland, within the islands of the Eastern Aegean as well as from temporary mainland accommodation centers to public services and health care units
Budget: 3.000.000€
Act description: Aim of the sub-act is to decongest the Reception and Identification Centers and to meet the needs of the vulnerable groups living within more effectively. The action deals with the relocation of third-country nationals and their children in need of international protection into the following sub-categories:
- Category A: Transportation within the islands of Lesvos, Chios, Samos, Kos and Leros, it includes the transportation of Third Country Nationals (TCN), along with their luggage, from the Reception and Identification Centers located in the aforementioned islands, to the respective ports of each island, as well as in public services in the cities of the islands.
- Section B: Ferry transfers from the islands of Lesvos, Chios, Samos, Kos and Leros, to the ports of Piraeus and Kavala or Thessaloniki. It includes the purchase and delivery of ferry tickets to Third Country Nationals (TCN) for their transfer to the ports of Piraeus or Kavala or Thessaloniki.
- Category C: Transfers 1) from the port of Piraeus, 2) from the port of Kavala or Thessaloniki 3) from the Evros Reception and Identification Center to Open Accommodation Structures in the Mainland. It includes the transfer of people arriving to the Section B ports '(cases i and ii) or from the Reception and Identification Center of Fylakio in Evros (case iii) to the Open Accommodation Structures in the mainland including their luggage, by a proper vehicle.
the EEA Grants 2014-2021 (Program GR-G)
RIS is financed through the pre-defined act titled as "Capacity building of national Asylum and Migration Management Systems" of the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area.
Responsible Authority for the above program is the European and Development Programs Managing Authority (EDPD) of the Ministry of Citizen Protection.
Budget: 4.998.800 €
Act description: The sub-acts included in this act are the following
- Build-up and operation of open accommodation structure for vulnerable groups, with the capacity of 200 third-country nationals, including single-parent families (women), pregnant women and women-victims of sexual or gender-based violence.
- Upgrade of fire safety system in the open accommodation structures of Eleonas and Diavata.
- Creation of a digital platform for keeping track of the educational needs of RIS while simultaneously recruiting an expert for the support of the competent department of RIS.
- Recruitment of specialized staff (7 psychologists) for the psychological support of the staff of RIS regional services.