The Minister and the Deputy Minister for Migration and Asylum, Mr. Notis Mitarachi and Mrs Sofia Voultepsi, held a meeting with the Executive Director of the European Asylum Support Office (EASO) Mrs Nina Gregori, in the presence of all the political leadership of the Ministry.
At the epicenter of their discussion was the adoption of the new regulation for the new European Asylum Service (EUAA). Mr. Mitarakis noted that ‘’this is a very positive development, but also a proof of the constructive and compromising disposition of the MED 5 countries. A disposition that must be demonstrated by all Member States in the process of negotiating the new European Migration and Asylum Pact",.
He further added that "the role of EASO is particularly important, as it can shed light on operational aspects of proposed solutions, so as to speed up asylum procedures".
Mr. Mitarachi and Mrs Gregori, agreed on the common goal of clearing the pending cases of the Asylum Service by the end of 2021.
Finally, both the Minister for Migration and Asylum and the Executive Director of the European Asylum Support Office, visited the new EASO premises in our country, which are housed on the 5th floor of the Keranis building headquarters, after the ratification of the relevant agreement.