Call Centre for the identification of the victims of the fire in the broader area of the community of Avanta in the county of Evros

The Hellenic Disaster Victims Identification Team will operate in the premises of the Ministry of Migration and Asylum (Keranis Building - 196-198 Thevon Avenue, Agios Ioannis Renti-Nikeia, Attica, P.O. Box 18233), in order to provide further assistance in identifying the victims of the fire that occurred in the wider area of the community of Avanta in the county of Evros.

The Greek DVI team has undertaken the humanitarian task of identifying the victims, in cooperation with the General Secretariat for the Reception of Asylum Seekers of the Ministry of Migration & Asylum, the General Secretariat for Civil Protection and the Alexandroupolis Fire Service.

More specifically, the DVI will receive the relatives of the victims to conduct a medical examination and collect biological material (DNA), after consultation with them.

The telephone number for the contact center of the Greek D.V.I. team is +302131386000. Those interested can send any document concerning missing persons on WhatsApp (WhatsApp number: 00306944471742) or via email to

The call center will be open from tomorrow, Friday 25 August 2023, from 09.00 to 17.00 (UTC+3) on a daily basis, and will support the following languages: English, Arabic, Pashto, Turkish, and Urdu.

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