The Ministry of Migration & Asylum in the 80th Meeting of the International Centre for Migration Policy Development on June 21-22, 2023

The 80th meeting of the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) hosted by the Turkish Presidency was held in Istanbul on June 21-22. Greece was represented by the competent members of the Directorate of European and International Collaboration.

The meeting focused on the current status of migration routes as well as the current practices, challenges, and priorities of member states with regards to economic migration, returns, and reintegration of migrants in their countries of origin. The discussions specifically centered on the collaboration with third countries during which the Presidency and participating countries made pertinent presentations. Functional and organizational issues of the Center were also examined.

Further, the participants addressed the preparation of the forthcoming Greek Presidency of the Managing Team in the year 2024, which entails the hosting of the 82nd meeting of the Managing Team and signifies an opportunity for our country to announce its stance on the migration challenges it is currently facing.

The purpose of ICMPD is to promote international collaboration and research in the field of migration. Greece became a member of ICMPD in 2021 with law 4840/2021 (A’ 186) and regularly participates in the meetings of the Managing Team responsible for overseeing projects and making strategic decisions. Further, Greece collaborates with ICMPD in regional projects that address challenges from migration flows. The collaboration also aims in the development and exchange of best practices to meet national objectives in migration policy.

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