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Suspension of Services of the Secretarial Department of Third-Country Nationals in Pireus

From Tuesday, March 16 until Friday, March 19, the Department of Service to Third-Country Nationals will not provide services to third-country nationals without appointments. The Department is located in Piraeus, in 5, Agiou Dionysiou Street and is moving to the building of the Ministry of Migration and Asylum in Thivon Avenue, 196-198, Agios Rentis-Nikaia.

Services to the public will resume on Monday, March 22 in the new location.

Third-country nationals and their representatives lawyers may call for information and appointments on the following phone number: 213 212 9041

Κύλιση στην κορυφή
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Viber Community

 Viber Community for Issues of Migration and Asylum

The Ministry of Migration and asylum has created a Viber Community in order to provide accurate and timely information regarding issues of migration and asylum. Please click on the following link, or scan the QR code in order to connect: