FactSheet HELIOS – August 2022

HELIOS Project is a social integration program, implemented by IOM Greece and funded by the Ministry of Migration and Asylum. The Project is overseen by the Directorate of Social Integration.

The purpose of Project HELIOS is to promote the integration of beneficiaries of international protection and increase beneficiaries’ prospects towards self-reliance, by providing services or activities such as:

  • accommodation support,
  • integration-related courses (e.g., learning the Greek language, courses in professional skills’ development, etc.).
  • professional counseling to enhance job readiness
  • raise awareness in host communities and promote social cohesion.


Since Q3 2019:

  • 38,795 beneficiaries have enrolled
  • 17,884 have benefited from Rental Subsidiaries
  • 7,713 have enrolled in integration educational courses
  • 8,926 have attended job counseling sessions

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