Subsequent Application

A subsequent application is an application for international protection that is resubmitted after a final rejection decision by the Police or the Asylum Service or the Appeals Authority, or after you have withdrawn a previous application for international protection.

The competent authorities for submitting a subsequent application are the Regional Asylum Offices or the Asylum Units near your place of residence. To submit a subsequent application, you can book an appointment on the online platform of the Ministry of Immigration and Asylum.

After lodging the subsequent application, you will not be issued an international protection applicant card, but a proof of lodging.

The Asylum Service will examine the evidence you submit and decide whether it is new and substantial to your application for international protection. Only if your subsequent application is deemed admissible will you be granted an international protection applicant card, and the Asylum Service will continue to examine your application.

If the Asylum Service rejects your subsequent application, you may appeal to the Appeals Authority within five (5) days, as stated in the decision served to you.

If you submit a second subsequent application, you are not automatically protected from deportation, return, or readmission during the examination stage of the application.

For every second or further subsequent application, you must submit a deposit of one hundred euro (€100) with your application, which is issued through the electronic deposit procedure (e-Paravolo). In the case of a family, the deposit of the above amount is required for each family member.

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 Viber Community for Issues of Migration and Asylum

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