• Job counseling is offered in the form of individual counseling sessions with the purpose of helping third-country nationals find jobs. In these sessions, relationships of trust are developed between counselors and advisees. Counseling is practiced in an organized and systematic manner by experts in professional counseling.
  • In individual counseling sessions, the unique characteristics, strengths, concerns and ambitions of each individual are brought to light and taken into account in forming and providing professional advice and direction. These sessions help third-country nationals with different aspects of the job application process, such as how to create or improve their curriculum vitae, how to use job searching techniques and how to prepare for job interviews.
  • Further, important services and information are provided, such as contact with prospective employers and information on employee rights, hiring processes and available training programs.

Project HELIOS

The Migrant Integration Centers (M.I.C.)

Community Centers of Municipalities

  • Community Centers of Municipalities may introduce residents to the available social services in municipality areas. In these Centers one can learn about financial aid and all the available bodies, programs and services that offer social care in municipalities, as well as in the broader region or the country. Further, counseling support is provided with regards to job search and especially to young people searching for professional opportunities to start their careers.

  • Find your Community Center according to the municipality you live in.

Local Public Employment Services (KPA2) of OAED

  • Local Public Employment Services (KPA2) of OAED. The OAED organization helps combat poverty, helps unemployed individuals find jobs while providing employers with educated and trained personnel. The KPA2 program of OAED operates on a local level and unemployed individuals may visit Centers according to their residential area in order to receive professional counseling and information on finding jobs.
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Viber Community

 Viber Community for Issues of Migration and Asylum

The Ministry of Migration and asylum has created a Viber Community in order to provide accurate and timely information regarding issues of migration and asylum. Please click on the following link, or scan the QR code in order to connect: