Welcome to Greece

Extension of Temporary Protection Status and Residence Permits

By Decision of the Minister of Migration and AsylumMr. Nikolaos Panagiotopoulos, the validity of the temporary protection status for persons displaced from Ukraine into Greece is further extended.

The extension, as defined by the aforementioned Ministerial Decision (ΑΔΑ: 9ΔΖ446ΜΔΨΟ-5Σ8), has a duration of one (1) year, and more specifically from March 4, 2025 until March 4, 2026.


  • The validity period of Temporary Protection Residence Permits with an expiry date of March 4, 2023 or September 4, 2023 or March 4, 2024 or March 4, 2025 is automatically extended until March 4, 2026.
  • During the above-mentioned extension period, the Residence Permits already in possession of the beneficiaries of temporary protection will not be renewed, and no further action needs to be taken.
    As an exception, from February 17, 2025, temporary protection residence permit holders who wish to travel abroad may visit the asylum offices of Attica, Thessaloniki, Western Greece, Crete, and Rhodes at least 15 days before the departure date,in order to renew residence permits with an expiration date of March 4, 2023 or September 4, 2023 or March 4, 2024 or March 4, 2025, showing their tickets, in printed or electronic form. If a private vehicle is used, the residence permit will not be replaced.
    The Ministry of Migration and Asylum has taken all appropriate measures, and has implemented the necessary procedures for the renewal of the residence permits of those beneficiaries of temporary protection who wish to travel abroad.

    The renewal of temporary protection residence permits will take place at the specific offices, without an appointment,during working days and during public service hours.

  • In any case, new Temporary Protection Residence Permits will continue to be issued to displaced persons from Ukraine who will enter Greece for the first time until March 4, 2026.
  • It is pointed out that all Temporary Protection Residence Permits granted in Greece with a date of issue from 24/3/2022 until 4/3/2026 constitute a title of legal residence in the country, have the status of a work permit, confer the rights of articles 128 up to 131 of Law 4939/2022, and are identification/certification documents of the beneficiaries of temporary protection.

Προσωρινή Προστασία Temporary Protection Тимчасовий захист

Στέγαση Accommodation Мешкання

Εκπαίδευση Education Освіта

Integration Інтеграція

Accommodation and Integration

Support підтримка

Arrival at the Airport or by Road

You may enter Greece by following the procedures below:

1. Holders of a Ukrainian biometric passport may enter through all entry points (land and air) with a maximum stay of 90 days.

2. Holders of a Ukrainian passport without biometric features (old type) may enter from all entry points; a transit visa is required with a maximum stay of 90 days.

Attention: for the above cases, the National Police will stamp your passport with the date of entry

3. Ukrainian citizens who do not have travel documents may enter only from the Passport Control Department in Promahon (tel. 0030-23230 41079) where you will be issued a document by the staff of the Ukrainian Embassy in Greece. This procedure allows you to stay for a maximum of 90 days.

4. In case your children do not have travel documents, National Police officials will note under the entry stamp on your own passport the number of minor children you are accompanying.

Attention: in this case, you will have to show a certificate of marital status or a birth certificate of your children. If you do not have either of these documents, you must complete and submit a solemn declaration stating the number of children, their first name, surname, gender and date of birth.

Provision of Temporary Protection

Within the 90-day period, you will be granted a one (1)-year temporary protection by the Asylum Service of the Ministry of Migration and Asylum; this gives you the right of access to the labor market and to medical care, in accordance with Directive 2001/55 of the Council of the European Union. Regarding the procedure for granting temporary protection, please contact by phone 0030-2131629600 or via email: tp-support@migration.gov.gr

Important: The process of granting temporary protection is provided free of charge by the Ministry of Migration and Asylum. More specifically, free interpreting services are provided at the helpdesk during the full registration procedure in order for the temporary protection residence permit to be served to the beneficiary. The permit also indicates your/ provides you with tax identification number (AFM) and social security number (AMKA).

Material Provisions and Accommodation

There is the possibility of short-term accommodation in the open structure of Sintiki for those who wish, until the process of issuing travel documents, where required, is completed.

Those who wish to be accommodated for a longer period of time may submit a request to: https://migration.gov.gr/accomodation-ukraine/

The Ministry of Migration and Asylum will provide you with accommodation immediately, in accommodation structures already available.

Unaccompanied Minors

In the case of unaccompanied minors, the National Mechanism for the Identification and Protection of Unaccompanied Minors of the Ministry of Migration and Asylum is activated for the transfer of the children to special emergency accommodation facilities; thereafter, the relevant identification (if necessary) and guardianship procedure is followed.

All Ukrainian citizens residing in Greece who are going to receive and provide care for their minor relatives from Ukraine arriving in Greece, are kindly requested to receive them from the entry points. Specifically, the adult relatives should be present at the entry points (e.g., Promachonas Border Station) during the minors’ arrival holding the necessary legal documents that prove their family relationship. Additionally, they should also hold the documents that prove the consent of the minor’s parents concerning the assignment of the custody to the adult relative in Greece. Upon assessment by the Greek authorities and the Implementing Partners of the National Emergency Response Mechanism for Unaccompanied Minors in precarious living conditions, the adult relatives will be able to undertake the care/ custody of their minor relative.

Contact Information:

Work Hours: Monday – Friday 08:00 – 22:00, Saturday 11:00 - 19:00

Telephones: 0030 2132128888, 0030 6942773030, via WhatsApp or Viber

Email: sg.vp.tracing@migration.gov.gr

All procedures are performed with the help of a certified interpreter.

Athena card is a free unlimited travel card for all means of public transportation in Athens.

From Monday 30.05.2022, with your AMKA and an identification document (passport or service note or temporary protection residence permit) you can go to a metro ticket office and get your personalized card, the athena card. Subsequently, you visit the website of IDIKA(https://www.idika.gr/athenacard/) and follow the procedures there for the activation of 90 days free travel 

You need to wait for 3 working days before you can go to a metro station and put your athena card in a machine and press subsidy, the card is then subsidized for 90 days of free travel. After 90 days you need to re-subsidize.  


a. Visit the website of IDIKA  https://www.idika.gr/

B. Press athena card for unemployed and disabled  

C. On the top right there is an "ENTRY" button 

D. Choose alternative certification for refugees from Ukraine 

E. Write the number of the athena card 

F. Fill in an 8-digit password of your choice 

G. Fill in your AMKA  

Press ENTRY 

Up to the age of 6 the travel is free. From 7 years old and over you can issue a card for your child the same way as you do for you. THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE ISSUANCE OF AFM.

Από 1th From 1st of June 2022, you can go to the offices of OASTH, 90 Alexandrou Papanastasiou Street, 546 44, ground floor, where you can apply for a travel card.

In addition, OASTH gives you the opportunity to submit your application electronically, at cards.oasth.gr, where you will select HELEXPO as the receiving point up until May 31st.

As an identification document you will need to have with you the Temporary Protection Residence Permit or, alternatively, the passport with which you entered Greece after February 24th 2022.

For any issues regarding temporary protection appointments, please email

A) If you have pre-registered and have booked an appointment for Athens / Crete, you don’t need to go to your appointment 

     B) If you have not pre-registered, you don’t need to pre-register 

Please inform us via email at tp-support@migration.gov.gr  and let us know of all the names of the interested parties for temporary protection and you will be contacted to book an appointment. 

Since 28/03/2022, there is a special self-registration platform of the Ministry of Migration and Asylum, https://apps.migration.gov.gr/temporary-protection/?lang=en, where you will be able, by filling in your personal details, to schedule an appointment (date and time of arrival), at the four Regional Offices of the Asylum Service, namely:

  1. Regional Asylum Office of Attica,2 P. Kanellopoulou Street, ZIP 101 77, Athens, 
  2. Regional Asylum Office of Alimos, 6 Dodekanissou str., postal code 17456, Alimos (building of IOM)
  3. Regional Asylum Office of Thessaloniki,5 Pontou Street - Lachanagoras area, ZIP 54628 Kalochori Thessaloniki, 
  4. Regional Asylum Office of Patra,92 Kapodistriou & Panachaikou Street - ZIP 26224 Street, Patra 
  5. Regional Asylum Office of Crete,Ifaistoi and Elefthernis Streets, Heraklion, ZIP 713 03 

No, the Greek authorities will not deport you. You will be able to apply for temporary protection status before the expiration of 90 days from your entry to Greece (if you have entered from February 24th and later).

The 90-day deadline applies only to the country in which you are considered to reside. Therefore, it starts upon your entry in Greece and stops when you leave. Please note that this deadline expires once you apply for and receive temporary protection status. From that moment on, you will have the right to stay in Greece for at least one year. 

You can visit Scisto Facility which is located in Perama, Attica. If you are outside Attica you will need to place a request for humanitarian aid.

In order to register your need please send an email to: ukraine@migration.gov.gr .

Please send an email to the following email address for displaced people from Ukraine: ukraine@migration.gov.gr   You will need to provide your details (name, surname, location, phone number) and the relevant department will contact you directly.  

57 Questions & Answers

Detailed Questions and Answers

Service Point & Hotline Ελληνικού Ερυθρού Σταυρού/ Service Point & Hotline of Hellenic Red Cross

+30 210 5126300, +30 210 5140440, +30 6934724893 (WhatsApp, Viber), mf@redcross.gr

National Emergency Response Mechanism for unaccompanied minors in precarious living conditions

The Special Secretariat for the Protection of Unaccompanied Minors is already active with the assistance of Embassies, International Organizations and NGOs to identify unaccompanied minors at the borders of Ukraine with other European countries, in order to either offer expertise, or to regulate matters of transportation and accommodation of these children in Greece.

In the event of the arrival of unaccompanied minors at the Greek borders, the National Mechanism of Urgent Response is activated to transfer the children to special emergency accommodation structures and then the prescribed identification procedure is followed (if necessary).

Contact Information:

Work hours:

Monday - Friday 08:00 - 22:00

Saturday 11:00 - 19:00



0030 2132128888

0030 6942773030, via WhatsApp or Viber

Κύλιση στην κορυφή
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Viber Community

 Viber Community for Issues of Migration and Asylum

The Ministry of Migration and asylum has created a Viber Community in order to provide accurate and timely information regarding issues of migration and asylum. Please click on the following link, or scan the QR code in order to connect: